How Often Should Baby Be Moving?

Pregnancy can be full of fascinating and exciting moments for the soon-to-be mommy. Feeling the baby move for the first time is one of those moments that every pregnant woman looks forward to. Those tiny flutters of the little one moving not only reassures a woman of his/her development but also makes her feel closer to the baby. Most mommies eagerly wait for this moment, feeling so much closer to the life inside them henceforth.

We are sure you can relate to this feeling. However, no two babies are the same. That is why there is no fixed pattern of movements that all babies follow. So, the key is to understand what is normal for your little one. This will only make it easy for you to identify when anything seems out of routine. Keep in mind that your baby will not keep moving all the time. Like you, your tiny angel will also need his/her share of rest and sleep.

It is pretty natural to be concerned when it comes to your baby’s movements. When you are expecting, it is the only way you can completely tune in to what he/she is up to. But, no matter how attentive you are, it is quite possible to miss a few times that your little one moves. With so much going on in your life, you can get too preoccupied to notice at times. And, that is alright!

How Often Should Baby Be Moving1

You might notice your baby’s kick for the first time somewhere between your 16th and 25th week of gestation. You may not feel this movement, which is also known as “quickening”, until much later on if it is your first pregnancy. This means that the first kick will come when you are closer to your 25th week. But, in your second pregnancy, you may feel the kick as early as the week 13 (1). There are better chances of you feeling the kick when you are either lying or sitting down.

Don’t fret so much if you are not sure of how you are feeling. In the initial phases, it may be difficult to distinguish your baby’s movement from a gastric issue. But, you might be able to decipher a pattern soon enough. You will gradually comprehend your baby’s routine – when he/she sleeps and wakes up. So, you will more or less be tuned into the time your little one is most active and also what triggers that activity.

By being alert about your baby’s fluttering movements, you will be able to notice any significant difference, if that happens. So, try and take some time out every day to pay special attention to your tiny angel’s activities. Be it those kicks, somersaults, jabs, swishes, or rolls. Deciphering this may help you understand if there is any potential problem that arises. While it is strongly recommended for those women who are facing complications, counting fetal movements can prove to be helpful for all pregnancies.

How Often Should Baby Be Moving2

Start counting your baby’s movements somewhere after your 28th week of pregnancy. Most women find their babies to be pretty active soon after they have had a meal, drank something cold, or after a physical exercise. You may find your little one to be quite active between 9 AM and 1 PM due to decreasing sugar levels (2). If you take out time to count your little one’s kicks, it might help you bond with him/her.

Begin by finding a position that is comfortable. Take that position during the time that your tiny angel is usually up and about. While some moms like sitting in a well-supported manner, others might like lying down on one side. So, take that comfortable position to monitor your baby’s movements and go for it. It is considered ideal to feel at least 10 movements within a span of two hours. In fact, you might feel those 10 kicks in lesser time than that (3). You can use a notebook or a computer spreadsheet to record the movements. This will help you better understand a pattern in these movements. If you feel anything out of ordinary, consult a doc immediately.


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