39 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Week by Week


How does the baby grow?

The baby is waiting to be welcomed to the world! He or she continues to accumulate a layer of fat to help control the body temperature after birth, currently, he or she may be about 50.8cm long and weigh about 3.2kg, equivalent to the size of a small watermelon. Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls. The outer skin is peeling off while the new skin is forming below.

Changes occurring in the mother’s body during the 39th week of pregnancy

At each weekly visit, the doctor will examine the abdomen to check the baby’s growth and position. The doctor may also check to see if moms’ cervix has begun to ripen: softness, thinness, and openness. But even with this information, there is no way for the doctor to accurately predict the date of birth. If the delivery date has passed, the doctor will schedule a pregnancy test (usually an ultrasound) after 40 weeks to make sure it is safe to continue the pregnancy. If moms do not go into labor, the doctor will stimulate labor one to two weeks after the delivery date – or sooner if there are signs that continuing to wait will pose a greater risk.

While moms are waiting, it’s important to pay attention to the baby’s movements and tell the doctor right away if they seem to be diminishing. The baby should remain active until birth, and a significant decrease in activity may be a sign of a problem. 

Besides, call the doctor right away if moms think that moms may have a rupture of membranes. Cases of amniotic rupture before labor accounted for about 8%. Sometimes the amniotic fluid will rush out but sometimes it just oozes slowly. If moms have a rupture of membranes and do not start spasms, the doctor will stimulate labor for moms.

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