According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), since 2010, there have been around 9 to 45 million influenza cases worldwide each year. In which, there are more than 61,000 deaths from complications of pneumonia caused by influenza. 

This disease is very contagious at a fast rate, so moms need to follow some radical measures during this outbreak period such as:

  • Ensure personal hygiene, wash hands with soap with bactericidal properties after going out, before eating and after using the toilet.
  • Use elbow to cover mouth and nose when sneezing, coughing to avoid much discharge around.
  • Wear a mask to prevent disease when going out.
  • Clean surfaces, clean tables, chairs, tables, cabinets, house regularly with regular disinfectant solutions.
  • If moms and family members have signs of fever, cough, sore throat, it is necessary to visit a health facility right away to be diagnosed with disease and isolated.
  • Ensure adequate nutrition, enhance resistance by adding functional foods containing Omega 3 ( DHA, EPA), iron, folic acid, etc. in an easily absorbed form, meeting the needs of moms is healthy, the baby develops well physically and intellectually.
  • Use Japanese IgYGate F lozenges regularly to help prevent the influenza virus from attacking.
  • In particular, get the influenza vaccine is the best way to prevent influenza that moms absolutely should not ignore.

We hope that the above share will help moms gain more knowledge to protect both moms’ and babies’ health. 


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