Morning Sickness: When Will Pregnancy Nausea Begin?

For most pregnant women, morning sickness symptoms usually start as early as from 4 – 6 weeks of pregnancy and get better after the first trimester. However, some people experience morning sickness much more and have difficulties in controlling it.


1. What is morning sickness?

Morning sickness is a condition in which a pregnant woman feels uncomfortable, bloating in her abdomen, and that symptom appears many times a day. When pregnancy starts, morning sickness is very common. Morning sickness is usually not harmful to an unborn baby, but it can affect a woman’s daily life.

If your diet and lifestyle cannot help remove the symptoms of morning sickness, or if your morning sickness is severe, the doctor may advise you using Vitamin B6, Doxylamine and Antiemetics.

2. When will morning sickness start?

Pregnancy morning sickness symptoms usually begin before the 9th week of pregnancy. For most women, this condition disappears after about 14 weeks of pregnancy (falling in the second trimester). Some women experience severe morning sickness, which lasts for weeks or months. In some rare cases, morning sickness may last throughout pregnancy.

3. Differentiate severe morning sickness and mild morning sickness

Some women only experience transient nausea once or twice a day. This condition is considered mild morning sickness. Severe morning sickness occurs when nausea persists for several hours a day, and vomiting occurs more frequently. Treating morning sickness depends on how pregnant women are affected, rather than how light or severe morning sickness is.

4. What is morning sickness syndrome?

The morning sickness syndrome is the most severe form of morning sickness in pregnancy, with about 3% occurring. Women are diagnosed with vomiting when their prenatal body weight drops by 5% and they become severely dehydrated (due to vomiting). Pregnant women with vomiting need treatment to prevent vomiting, balance water and electrolytes for the body.

5. Why does morning sickness occur?

Morning sickness occurs for many different reasons. However, the two following ones increase your risk of severe morning sickness:

  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Previous morning sickness (mild or severe)

6. Does morning sickness affect the fetus?

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy usually do not harm the health of both pregnant women and the fetus. However, women need to find ways to overcome by adding enough water and electrolytes to avoid dehydration, excessive weight loss and the light weight of the fetus after birth. Excessive dehydration can lead to disorders in the thyroid, liver and amniotic fluid.

7. When is the best time to treat morning sickness?

A mother who is constantly nauseous and vomits during pregnancy can cause other health problems and become more difficult to treat. Therefore, experts recommend early treatment so that morning sickness does not have a serious effect.

8. What do moms need to do when experiencing morning sickness?

Changing lifestyles and improving diets can help pregnant women feel better. Here are some suggestions:

  • Supplement multivitamins
  • Snack on dry bread or crackers in the morning before getting out of bed to avoid hunger on the go.
  • Drink water many times.
  • Avoid contact with unpleasant odors.
  • Divide into smaller meals instead of three main meals.
  • If possible, use light foods.

9. Medicine to treat morning sickness

If morning sickness is too severe to control, pregnant women need to be hospitalized for treatment until symptoms recover. Several tests should be done to check liver activity. If severe dehydration happens, pregnant women need to be given intravenous fluids. In case you continue to vomit, your doctor will need to use a tube to give you food.

In all cases of treatment for women with severe morning sickness and vomiting, the most important thing is to ensure that both the mother and the baby receive the necessary nutrients.

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