34 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Week by Week


How does the baby grow?

At this time, the baby weighs more than 2kg and is nearly 45cm long. The fat layer under the baby’s skin – which helps to regulate the body’s body temperature at birth – is filled to make the baby’s body plumper. Baby’s skin is also smoother than ever. The central nervous system is maturing and the lungs continue to improve.

She can be assured that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks are healthy if there are no other health problems.

If moms have already worried about preterm birth, moms can be assured that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks are healthy if there are no other health problems. The baby may need to stay in a newborn cage for a short time and may have some short-term health problems, but in the long run, they grow as normal as full-term babies.

Changes occurring in the mother’s body during the 34th week of pregnancy

Around this week of gestation, moms may get tired again but not to the extent of the first trimester. Fatigue is completely understandable due to the physical stress moms are experiencing, the sleepless nights because moms have to wake up to urinate often and turn constantly to find a comfortable position.

Now is the time for moms to save energy for the labor (and after that). If moms have been sitting or lying down for a long time, do not get up too quickly. Blood can pool in the legs, causing a temporary drop in blood pressure that makes moms feel dizzy.

If moms notice itchy red spots or redness on the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, moms may have a condition called urticarial papules and pregnancy nodules (PUPPP for short), which is harmless but causes discomfort. In this case, moms should ask the doctor to make sure there are no more serious problems and get treatment to make moms feel better.

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