
What Life Is Really Like Before And After Baby

What Life Is Really Like Before And After Baby

A baby’s arrival changes everything in our lives; our decisions, our thinking, and our perspectives all revolve around the little bundle of joy. Not only this, our day-to-day life changes completely. Right from our sleep schedules to our weekend parties, nothing remains the same. While some parents seem to manage it all very well, some struggle with almost every change around them. Waking up in the middle of the night for diaper changes, feeding and soothing the crying baby can really take a toll on anyone’s health.

Sometimes we are so tired of doing all these things that we tend to compare how our life was before the baby came into the picture. The carefree life, the romantic dinners and the sheer pleasure of sleeping for longer hours on weekends – bliss!

Below are 7 such things that change the moment you become a parent. The changes are not necessarily bad, but they are drastic anyway. Get ready to have a good laugh and enjoy this amazing new life through these images:

1. Your Alarm Clock

Carefree Days: You would snuggle in your blanket and sleep even when the sun glared through your window. Alarm clock, what?

Your Alarm Clock

Enter Baby: You have become the morning bird and wake up before the sun rises (that is, if you’ve slept through the night). Chances are that your baby is now your alarm clock.

Your Alarm Clock1

2. Your Typical Morning

Carefree Days: Your morning routine involved everything from pampering your skin to curling your hair locks.

Your Typical Morning

Enter Baby: Sometimes, brushing your teeth and splashing your face with water is all the pampering you can now afford for yourself. Not surprisingly, a messy bun is your current favorite hairstyle!


3. Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner

Carefree Days: Your three-times-a-day meal used to consist of elaborate appetizers to fancy main course spreads. You’d click pictures of every tasty dish you made and promptly posted it on social media. Those were the days when prepping for the meal was something you had enough time for.

Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner

Enter Baby: Suddenly, soups and sandwiches are your favorite lunch. Dinners are usually one-pot meals or something that can be cooked easily and finished quickly. You’ve forgotten the last time you used the dining table to actually sit and have your food.

4. The Way You Socialize

Carefree Days: That was the time when you planned impromptu vacations with your girl gang; where hanging out with friends topped every activity list.

The Way You Socialize

Enter Baby: You will change and do all kinds of alterations to your schedule just to squeeze in some me-time. Even if it means walking aimlessly and doing window shopping; it’s a ten-minute blessing.

The Way You Socialize1

5. Your Car

Carefree Days: Your car reflected your personality. It shined with the latest leather covers and what not! The wheels would be on fire!

Your Car

Enter Baby: It still reflects your personality. It is stacked with baby stuff and has a baby seat. There’s a sign at the back – Baby On Board.

Your Car1

6. Shopping

Carefree Days: You were up-to-date on the latest fashion trends and made a beeline to the nearest fashion outlet every season.


Enter Baby: Your shopping list includes the latest baby items. You can locate the ‘Baby Block’ in the mall where all the baby stuff is kept, even if you are blindfolded.


7. Weekend Plans

Carefree Days: Movies, dancing and karaoke nights were something you looked forward to.

Weekend Plans

Enter Baby: You try to learn new lullabies and dance in such a way that your baby would laugh. To your surprise, the worst notes bring the best giggles!

Weekend Plans1

No matter how drastically a baby changes your life, at the end of the day, every parent finds it worth when their baby is happy. The perks of being a parent are many; raising happy and healthy children is definitely one of them. Sooner or later, you’ll manage to blend into these changes happily as each of these moments go on to create beautiful memories of bringing up your kids.


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