First Cry Of Newborn Baby: All You Need To Know

Every expectant mom waits for that precious moment when she’ll get to hold her little one in her arms. And, that does not come easily for sure, isn’t it?

After having patiently waited for 9 months, a pregnant woman endures excruciating labor pains and childbirth before she finally gets to see her baby. But most of us are unaware that a new mother can hear her baby cry even before she sees it, which instantly puts her at ease. After hearing the first cry, it’s probably the only moment a woman and the other medical professionals present feel confident that the baby is doing okay.

Your Newborn’s First Cry

It’s a given that a baby will cry soon after birth.After the baby is born, doctors typically work toward using a suction tube to remove any remaining fluid from the infant’s mouth and nose. This makes it possible to trigger the body’s processes and cause crying. At times, this is done by the baby himself and the lungs kick into action to cry out loud, which also draws in the first breath of his life.

You need to remember that your baby has been in a warm, snug, and comparatively darker environment for a long time. Therefore, it is widely believed that being forced out from this cozy place into a cold, bright, painful and noisy environment disturbs the baby enough to make him/her cry.

Why is Birth Cry Important?

Does Baby’s First Cry Help in Breathing? Very much so. The lungs don’t mature until quite late in the pregnancy and, even after that, they do not have any function as such. A cry is a sign that shows that the lungs of your baby are fit for breathing.

For the entire duration of pregnancy, the baby is supplied the necessary oxygen directly inside the womb via the placenta. In the development of the baby’s body, the lungs are pretty much the last organs to be matured. Furthermore, there is no sense in using the lungs for breathing because the kid is completely submerged in amniotic fluid inside the sac. Due to the placenta and umbilical cord, the body receives all of its food and oxygen immediately.

The first cry is always the most joyous moment of a mother’s life. This demonstrates to the doctor that your baby has met one of the criteria for survival.

How Doctors Encourage Baby’s Cry after Birth?

For doctors and mothers alike, the first cry is always the strongest and reassuring sign of the ability to breathe well. Therefore, if the baby does not start crying within the first few minutes of delivery, extensive measures are taken to make sure that the baby does begin to do so.

Earlier, many doctors would hold the baby upside down firmly around his legs and then slap the butt gently. This not only causes the youngster some minor discomfort, but the motion also aids in the removal of any debris that may be blocking the airways. The child may become so aggravated by this that they start weeping.


Who would have thought that the cry of a newborn, which generally goes unnoticed in the euphoria and chaos of childbirth, has such deep implications?

We often marvel, and rightly so, about the sheer grit that a new mom demonstrates during childbirth. But now it seems like these adorable tiny angels are not far behind. We can all agree that kids have quite a few experiences in their initial few minutes of existence, much like their brave moms. Yes!

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