
(video) A Whirlwind of Chaos: The Transformative Tale of a Family Shaken by the Arrival of Three Playful Mischief-makers and the 12-Hour Military Adventure”. LS


A couple has shared their “military schedule” for managing their home and taking care of their seven-month-old triplets. Rachael and Chris Winterton, residents of Eastbourne, East Sussex, went through two rounds of IVF before welcoming their children, Jude, Lily-Rose, and Esme, in August of last year. The couple had sought fertility treatment in Cyprus, but they did not anticipate it being so successful. Referring to their triplets as “little Winnies,” Rachael and Chris have established a strict minute-by-minute routine that they must follow.

Rachael admits that initially it was challenging to feed three mouths every few hours, but they have now established a rhythm. Their daily schedule revolves around important activities such as bedtime, naps, walks, games, feeding, bathing, and storytelling. Rachael, 28, mentions that both she and Chris, 29, have not had any sleep since the birth of their triplets. She describes the constant movement and chasing after the kids throughout the day as the reason for her weight loss. Their survival depends on the extremely rigid daily schedule they meticulously follow, which almost resembles a military operation.

The day starts at 6:30 a.m. when Rachael and Chris wake up to begin feeding the children. Lily-Rose, being the youngest and fastest, is fed first. Then they switch roles, with one of them entertaining the children while the other changes into fresh clothes. Rachael, who is on maternity leave, stays at home while Chris leaves for work but returns to help with lunch.

They schedule 30-minute naps during the day, interspersed with breaks for meals and playtime. The children love their Jumperoos, and Rachael sings to them constantly, often incorporating sign language into her singing. Every night, they have storytime with heartfelt literature. Esme, being patient, waits her turn while Lily-Rose and Jude take showers. At 6:45 p.m., they put the children to bed and then get ready for dinner and an early night’s rest before starting all over again. Despite the increasing workload, the couple still manages to enjoy themselves, although Chris had to give up golf to provide additional help.

Rachael describes being a new mother as “three times harder than you’d imagine,” which can be frustrating. However, she wouldn’t change it for anything. Alongside the increased challenges, they also experience three times more happiness, smiles, and love. After spending a total of £11,500 on a second round of IVF, with the expectation of having at least one child, they were blessed with triplets. Although the triplets were born prematurely via C-section at 33 weeks, with a combined weight of just 11 lbs 3 oz, they were able to leave intensive care after 2.5 weeks. Despite their young age, the triplets are already reaching their milestones.

According to Rachael, Esme is usually calm and collected but occasionally gets wild and enjoys roaring at them. Lily-Rose is a sensitive girl who enjoys socializing but is easily frightened. Jude, on the other hand, is the most mischievous little monkey.

He’s a typical boy who loves it when you blow raspberries, although Rachael admits she shouldn’t encourage it. They are all their little Winnies, and the couple is extremely proud of each and every one of them.


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