Mom Delivers Rare Identical Quadruplets — A 1 In 11 Million Miracle

The Marrs, from Dallas, Texas, had both been raised as only children, and neither had a family history of multiple births. Jenny wasn’t on fertility treatments either. Jenny and Chris Marr were hardly ready to welcome the triplets they’d be scheduled to deliver in March — during the coronavirus pandemic, no less.

The couple was astonished to learn that their three children would actually be four in total—a set of identical quadruplets. I don’t know if those are necessarily tears of joy or not, which sounds awful. According to Chris, the Washington Post.

Dr Brian Rinehart of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital said in a press release: “This situation is so extremely rare that there have only been about 72 documented cases of spontaneous, identical twins. together. According to experts, a normal four-child pregnancy only happens once in 11 million births.

Other parents who have given birth during the pandemic have faced their own set of challenges, from self-infecting the virus to a spouse being called into the delivery room on FaceTime. At the same time, they are trying to protect their children and protect themselves from infectious diseases that are currently very complicated. That effort is tried by both the mother and the hospital team, to bring the best to the mother and baby.

Jenny, went into labor the day before Dallas County’s mandatory stay-at-home restrictions were announced. “It’s a different world we live in now and it’s really exciting to go through all of this. Literally, we were born on the day the pandemic broke out,” she told CBS DFW last week.

Children born with different weights, sons Hudson, Harrison, Henry and Hardy are doing well. Even the smallest baby, weighing just 1 pound, 15 ounces, doesn’t need oxygen, even though they’re all in the neonatal intensive care unit for several weeks. Last week, the whole family of six was finally at home.

Although boys are beginning to develop their own individuality, they still wear ankle bracelets so that parents can distinguish them. We sometimes confuse them with each other. We are very happy that our children were born healthy in the midst of the pandemic. It can be said that children are tiny heroes, a special gift that God gives to the family.

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