Top 10 Mind-Blowing Images Of Human Life In The Womb

You started your life in the womb. And you won’t believe your eyes when you see these incredible images of human development before birth!

At just 4 days after fertilization…

At just 5-6 weeks of gestation…

Despite being only a quarter of an inch long, her nose, mouth, and ears are already taking shape! Blood is starting to circulate through her body, and her heart is pounding about 100 times per minute (nearly twice as quickly as yours). For at least two to three weeks already, brain waves have been observable.

At just 7 weeks gestation…

At about 10 weeks…

All of her major body functions are up and running: the kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver are all working. Her tiny arms and legs can already start to flex. Most abortions in the United States take place around this time. If she’s lucky, her mom will love her enough to let her live.

At 12 weeks…

Her muscles are beginning to bulk up, so she’s busily stretching and kicking. If you put your hand on your tummy, she’ll likely wiggle in response because her reflexes are starting to develop, although you won’t feel it yet.

At 16 weeks gestation…

This week, the baby is going through a growth spurt. Soon she’ll be growing locks of hair on her head and she’s already started growing toenails. Every day, her heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood through her body.

Sucking her thumb at about 18-20 weeks gestation…

Right about now, she has her own unique set of fingerprints.

At 6 months gestation…

The baby can now respond to external sounds by moving and increasing the pulse. A mother may notice jerking motions if the baby hiccups!

Around 6-7 months gestation…

At around 8 months gestation…

This baby can hear and is beginning to recognize her mother’s voice. She already has the adorable, chubby appearance that babies have, and her skin is pink. The baby’s ability to control her body temperature after delivery is made possible by that extra fat, which is crucial.

We’re all just grown up embryos…

Can you believe you used to look like that? Well, you did. And you were just as much a person then as you are now!
