School Bus Driver Calmly Rescues 20 Children From Flaming Vehicle


If it hadn’t been for the quick reflexes of this school bus driver, this rescue story may have ended in tragedy when her vehicle went up in flames with 20 children inside.

Reneita Smith was en route from Glenarden Woods Elementary School in College Park, Maryland when a fire started under the rear wheel of the bus.

Without pause, the driver pulled each and every one of the kids off of the bus, even going so far as to reenter the smoking structure to make sure no one had been left behind.

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The mother of two is being praised for her heroism in the face of danger.

“A big THANK YOU to our school bus driver Reneita Smith who just saved 20 elementary school kids from a bus fire that completely destroyed the bus,” Fazlul Kabir posted on Facebook. “Reneita [not only] took each one of the 20 kids from the bus one by one, but also went into the empty bus again to check if everyone was out, while it was still burning.”

“I am a mom of two kids,” KTLA reported Smith saying. “It’s my job to save them.”

(WATCH the video below)



Click To Share This Hot Story With Your Friends – Photo by Fazlul Kabir
