The Tiny Newborn Weighed Just 13oz, Doctors Popped Him In A Sandwich Bag

The Tiny Newborn Weighed Just 13oz,  Doctors Popped Him In A Sandwich Bag

Little Larenz Carr was born on 28 October 2019 at St Michael’s Hospital in Bristol – 15 weeks early.  The newborn weighed just 13oz, so doctors popped him in a sandwich bag to regulate his temperature – a technique that works by mimicking a mother’s womb.

After placing him in an incubator, the team also covered him in bubble wrap. Larenz spent five months in the the neonatal intensive care unit before heading home with parents Vickie Carr, 29, and Rohan Carr, 32

‘It’s incredible that medics saved his life – by popping him in a sandwich bag and bubble wrap to keep him safe and warm. like a eviroment in the womb. “

Larenz is one of the smallest babies to be born and sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴇ – and has no developmental problems.

Vickie added: ‘It’s just amazing that nothing was wrong with him and he’s come home healthy and thriving.

He’s walking and not delayed at all – it’s amazing.’ Doctors first noticed a problem at the routine 20-week scan, when they saw the couple’s baby wasn’t growing.

When first-time mum Vickie returned with a headache at 21 weeks, medics told her they would have to keep her in and that the baby may need to be born early. At 25 weeks and four days, doctors saw Vickie’s placenta was failing and rushed her in for an Fᴇᴍᴇʀɢᴇɴᴄʏ ᴄ-sᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ.

After the couple’s baby boy was born, he was quickly whisked away to be treated.

Vickie added: ‘When I went down to the neonatal intensive care unit a few hours later I was so sʜᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ at how small he was. He was the same size as my hand and so transparent. “

Now Larenz is a happy and healthy one-year-old, weighing 20lbs.

‘We were just so happy he was alive and to see how he thrives now is amazing. He’s our little miracle.” she said


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