‘Super Ovulator’ Mum Opts For Sterilisation After Doctors Warned She Could Have Triplets In The Future

Super Ovulator’ Mum Opts For Sterilisation After Doctors Warned She Could Have Triplets In The Future

A mum who had already given birth to two sets of twins, she don’t want any more baby, she chose to be sᴛᴇʀɪʟɪsᴇᴅ after being warned that she could have triplets next.

Katy Walton, from Wiltshire, is extra fertile, meaning she releases two eggs every time she ovulates. But the 38-year-old only discovered this once it emerged she was pregnant with twins – for the second time. She thought it was a fluke as there is no history of twins in her family. But when she fell pregnant again, in 2015, she was stunned when doctors told her it was another set of twin boys, Aubrey and Austin, now three.

It emerged that Katy releases two eggs every time she ovulates, and doctors told her as she gets older she could give birth to triplets due to ‘hyper-ovulation’. After being warned about future multiple pregnancies, Katy made the decision to be sᴛᴇʀɪʟɪsᴇᴅ during her second ᴄ-sᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. She is very rare case in the world.

‘While I do sometimes romanticise the idea of being pregnant again, when doctors told me I was very likely to have another set of twins or even triplets in future I knew I just couldn’t put my body through that,’ says Katie.

She says being mum to four boys already is a challenge as it is – she couldn’t imagine adding any more to the mix.

‘As a mum of two sets of twins, every day is utterly relentless – it really is non-stop from dawn till dusk. We drive a seven-seater minivan and go through five loaves of bread and 14 pints of milk a week. I got my children buy-one-get-one-free, but nothing else in life comes like that. I feel like I’m coaching a football team at times.’ she explains

Katy had her first set of twins with a previous partner, and was a single mum for five years. Then she met Ross and fell madly in love. The pair were engaged after six weeks of meeting in May, and Katy was pregnant by July.

‘When I got pregnant the second time, people started joking that it might be twins again but I laughed it off. So when the sonographer told me we were expecting not one baby but two, I was stunned – I never imagined I’d be going to the “twin frontline” again so soon. The first time we all left the house, I felt like my very own superhero for getting everyone dressed and out the door.’ says Katy.

Katy also has to bat off mean and judgemental comments about the number of children she has. ‘I’ll never forget overhearing a stranger say I was irresponsible for having so many children.”

To cope with the pace of her incredibly busy family life, Katy relies on ancient Amazonian methods to try to find moments of mindfulness and peace.


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