Parents Share Their Love and Joy with Stunning Photos of Their Twin Children with Down Syndrome

Parents show the upside of having kids with Down Syndrome by sharing incredibly beautiful photos of their twins

Being different means being unique, and Julie and Dan McConnel know how to accept and cherish uniqueness in a way that captures the hearts of people all over the world. They were overjoyed when they found out they were going to be parents again. They were looking forward to holding their bundle of joy in their hands. But God is great, and he gave these two amazing people two reasons to love life: twin boys were on the way.

What’s most, he gave them two sweet little angels with an extra chromosome. This made their sons Milo and Charlie truly unique, as fraternal twins with Down syndrome are said to be one in every 14 million.

Having children with this condition could be difficult, and Julie and Dan were aware of this, so they considered placing them for adoption, especially since they already had four children. But now, seeing the sweet boys grow, they are glad they decided to take the journey which now resembles the sweetest and most colorful adventure. Their sons are adored not only by their family, but also by people from all over the country, as they are a true internet sensation.

These parents were well aware of the stigmas associated with people with Down Syndrome. However, these people only have similar facial features, but their personalities and personalities are completely different. And Charlie and Milo’s mom and dad were determined to show that to the world. How they do it? Making use of social media. And they do it amazingly.

«My hope is to attract families that are receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome for their child because that can be really scary. «I hope people find us and see that this is how life can be,» Julie told WTSP 10 News.

«It can be fun, it’s full of love, it’s not scary. We have no regrets, and there is so much joy in our lives, and I hope that people will see that.»

The McConnels are doing their best to educate other parents of children with Down’s of all the challenges that may come along the way and how to cope with them in the best way possible.

«It takes a little longer for them to reach milestones, but when they do, we celebrate like no other parents alive,» she said. «We throw a party, and we’re so happy for them when they achieve those goals.»

«It’s important to show everyone else that we’re here, and that there are all these kids in our community, and we hope that they’ll see us and remember us, and that things will continue to change in our communities with a lot of acceptance,» Dan said.

«We’re standing on the shoulders of other parents who paved the way for all of this to happen, and it’s an exciting time to have a Down syndrome child,» Julie added. «I want to see them grow up and pursue their dreams.»

We do hope these amazing parents would succeed in their attention to raise awareness about the children with Down’s, so people would finally understand they are no different than any other kid in the way they bring joy to their families.

So forget about the stares, and never apologize to a parent if you learn their child has this syndrome, because there is nothing to apologize for.

These parents’ story may persuade other would-be parents who are considering placing their Down syndrome children for adoption to reconsider.


From CNN :

The couple regularly posts photos of their adorable twins in an attempt to show the world the “upside” of the condition. These photos share the challenges, the joys, and the insider’s truth about raising children with Down syndrome.


“My hope is to attract families that are receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome for their child because that can be really scary. I hope that people will find us, and see that this is what life can be like,” Julie said. “It can be fun, it’s full of love, it’s not scary. We have no regrets, and there is so much joy in our lives, and I hope that people will see that.”

While some people may not agree with their actions or that the twins are beautiful in their own way, it is undeniable that they are creating a community for parents of children with Down syndrome—a safe space where they can share their experience, too, and learn more about others’ experience.


“It takes them a little longer to meet milestones, but when they meet goals we celebrate like no other parents alive,” sid Julie. “We throw a party and we’re so excited for them when they accomplish those things.”


“It’s big to show everyone else that we are here, and there are all these kids in our community, and we hope that they will see us and remember us and that things will continue to change in our communities with lots of acceptance,” their dad added.


“We’re standing on the shoulders of other parents that have paved the way for all these things to happen and it’s an exciting time to have a child with Down syndrome…I want to see them grow up and do whatever they want to do.”


Don’t you think these twins a beautiful? We’re sure they will take on every challenge and conquer every obstacle because they are so loved! Please share to spread the message of love and acceptance!
