Firefighter Adopts Baby He Helped Deliver

Marc and Gracie Hadden-Youtube

In 2011, firefighter Marc Hadden and his wife Rebecca were the parents of two young boys. Hoping to bring a girl into the family, they were devastated when doctors told them that a third pregnancy would be too much for Rebecca’s body.

As fate would have it, a baby girl was literally delivered into Marc’s arms not long after.

Marc and his partner were deployed on an emergency call to a woman’s house in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The woman, who was going into labor, had only just been carried into the ambulance when she said she was ready to deliver the child right then and there.


Though Marc had been a firefighter for 20 years, it was his first time ever taking charge over a delivery.

After he helped deliver the infant, he took the baby girl and her mother to the hospital. Marc was filling out paperwork when he overheard some nurses saying that the mother had requested the baby be put up for adoption immediately.

When Marc mentioned that he and his wife had been looking into adoption, the nurses encouraged him to talk to the mother. Marc explained to the recovering woman that since he was a firefighter and his wife was a school teacher, they didn’t have the money to adopt, but they had always wanted a daughter.

After Marc and his wife talked things over with the mother, they were ready to go. 48 hours later, Marc was the proud adopted father of blonde-haired, blue-eyed Gracie Hadden.

“It was meant to be,” Hadden told CBS. “Everything that happened that day changed: my station, assignment, the location. So many things happened that made us 100 percent sure.”

(WATCH the video below)



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