Meet Judah Grace, “Miracle Baby” Born On 2/22/2022 At 2:22AM In Delivery Room 2

All births are unique and special, but some stand out a little more than others. The story of Judah is of a completely unique kind. At 2.22 am on 2/22/2022, Tuesday, in room number 2 of a US hospital, Aberli and Hank Spear welcomed their first child. The infant girl, born on ‘Twosday’, even weighed 122 pounds.

Meet Judah Grace, “Miracle Baby” Born On 2/22/2022 At 2:22AM In Delivery Room 2

Judah Grace Spear was born at the Cone Health Alamance Regional Medical Center in Burlington, North Carolina, and the co-incidence of the timing of birth surprised many at the hospital. “Everyone in the room, all the nurses were cheering, and there was excitement,” Aberli Spear said in an interview. “I was like, maybe it’s because she’s finally born. But then I looked at my husband and I asked, ‘Wait, what time was she born?’ And he was like, ‘2:22.’ It was funny because we were in room two, and then we found out her weight was 122 ounces. So we’re like, ‘OK!’”, Aberli said, adding that she loves numbers and math, and the “numerological” co-incidence was icing on the cake for her. Judah Grace Spear gets her name from the Hebrew word “praise.”

Meet Judah Grace, “Miracle Baby” Born On 2/22/2022 At 2:22AM In Delivery Room 2

Judah’s birth is also a ray of hope for the couple, who were told they would not be able to have children. Aberli also battled cancer for six years before defeating Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2020. “This is something that we didn’t think that we could achieve,” Aberli Spear said. “She’s definitely a miracle baby,” she added.

Meet Judah Grace, “Miracle Baby” Born On 2/22/2022 At 2:22AM In Delivery Room 2

There was mass hysteria and excitement surrounding the perfect alignment of 22/02/2022 on social media, which happened to fall on a Tuesday and was dubbed ‘Twosday’. The palindrome date will not occur again in another 400 years.


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