During pregnancy, supplementing with Omega 3 for pregnant women is very important, helping the fetus to develop the nervous system and eye ability. Omega 3 deficiency not only adversely affects the development of the baby but also causes undesirable health problems for moms.

When the mom’s body is not supplemented with Omega 3, the fetus will take the Omega 3 source stored in the mom’s body, this reserve is located in the brain; And if mom is deficient it, mom will lose 3% of brain cells. Of course, this reserve can be restored, but moms need at least 4 years to recover with a scientific and nutritious diet.

1. The consequences of Omega 3 deficiency

We already know that the role of Omega 3 is very important for the development of the baby. In addition, Omega 3 also has a great influence on the health of pregnant moms. Because DHA helps with cell division and helps with cellular activities. Secondly, EPA acts as an inflammatory substance, has anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet aggregation. Therefore, if a pregnant mom without Omega 3 can lead to the condition is:

  • Increased risk of pre-eclampsia
  • Increased risk of preterm birth
  • Increased risk of depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression especially during breastfeeding
  • Increased risk of gestational diabetes

Omega 3 deficiency also has an adverse effect on the baby’s health such as:

  • Delayed growth or delayed intrauterine growth leads to malnutrition and increase the risk of low birth weight.
  • Baby’s intelligence is also lower than those who get enough Omega 3.

2. Omega 3 cannot synthesize itself

We already know that Omega 3 is an unsaturated fatty acid, and this unsaturated fatty acid cannot be synthesized by the body, but it is an essential fatty acid that is essential for heart health, the brain, vision, and the cellular activities of its body from the womb. Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant moms take this Omega 3 supplement because it is essential for brain development, vision, and health for moms.

3. Benefits of supplementing with Omega 3

Omega 3s including EPA, DHA and ALA are essential for the baby’s brain, vision and nervous system development. There have been studies that show that if pregnant moms get enough Omega 3, babies after birth will have better language development, babies will be more alert and especially have Research that followed people up to the age of 6 found that those babies had higher IQ scores than those with DHA and Omega 3 deficiencies.

4. When do pregnant women need to supplement Omega 3?

Omega 3s are very important, so it is recommended that moms take them before moms are about to become pregnant and that moms take them throughout pregnancy, and that breastfeeding also needs to be supplemented Omega 3. Due to the baby’s brain, nervous and visual development, it is not complete from the uterus but it will continue to improve in the first years of the fetus. Therefore, moms still have to supplement with Omega 3 during breastfeeding so that the baby can develop better brain and vision.

5. How much Omega 3 should be supplemented?

Doctors recommend that pregnant women take at least 250mg of Omega-3, with about 200mg of DHA daily and 50mg of EPA during pregnancy. However, when breastfeeding moms also need to supplement DHA, EPA because during this time babies get nutrition mainly from breast milk, the amount of Omega-3 in foods for babies often has very low amounts compared to breast milk.

6. What is the best time of the day to take Omega 3?

If moms take pills that contain Omega 3 with vitamins, moms should take them in the morning or at noon in the evening. If moms take it at night, it is easy to lose sleep because those vitamins will stimulate the nervous system and make it difficult to sleep.

7. Kinds of food supplement Omega 3 for pregnant moms

It is recommended that pregnant women supplement with 250mg of DHA per day, so moms can supplement in many ways. For example, moms can add Omega 3 in fish oil capsules, in vitamins for pregnant women, or moms can supplement with food such as: Fish (especially those with belly fat, fish that will have lots of DHA, glutamate, meat, chia seeds, macadamia nuts, walnuts a few seeds a day.


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