11-Month-Old Baby Weighs Almost as Much as 5-Year-Old Sibling. WW

An 11-Month-Old Toddler Defies Size Expectations, Weighing as Much as His 5-Year-Old Sibling

Arley, an extraordinary 11-month-old child, is breaking the norms of typical growth patterns. Not only does he weigh nearly the same as his 5-year-old sister, but he also towers over children his age, resembling his mother’s height. Arley’s remarkable size has led him to wear clothing meant for toddlers twice his age and even reach storage facilities that most kids his age can only dream of.

His mother, Mollie Apps, who stands at 5 feet and 3 inches, describes him as “massive.” Arley’s weight is close to that of a three-year-old child, making him noticeably heavy. Mollie proudly expresses her amazement at her son’s size, stating that he is not only chubby but also incredibly large in every possible way. The contrast in size between him and his 5-year-old sister is staggering. Although he weighed a relatively normal 10 pounds at birth on May 17, 2021, Arley didn’t show signs of being a bigger baby until months later.

Mollie reflects on their journey, stating, “They say babies lose weight once they’re born, but Arley just kept gaining. We couldn’t have predicted that he would be this big.” Despite his size, Arley doesn’t eat significantly more than other children his age. He consumes three regular meals a day and enjoys fruits and milk, albeit in smaller portions. Occasionally, he indulges in a bit of chocolate, especially when he sees his sister enjoying it. While Mollie and her partner don’t dwell on their son’s size most of the time, it does present challenges for the petite mother when climbing the stairs in their apartment building.

Living on the top floor without an elevator, Mollie feels the strain and realizes the need for stronger arm muscles. She emphasizes that it’s not solely due to carrying Arley but also because of the cesarean section she underwent due to his larger size. In a few weeks, Mollie is scheduled for an operation to address the issue, but it will restrict her from heavy lifting afterward, presenting new concerns about how she will manage her growing son.

Mollie, who works in pharmaceutical administration, adores her son endlessly, and the feeling is shared by everyone around them. People often comment on Arley’s remarkable beauty and how genuinely happy he appears. Many even remark that he resembles a child twice his age. Mollie understands the fascination and humorously wonders if he should be in the Guinness World Records. She jokingly adds, “I would love that.”

Arley’s unique journey defies expectations and serves as a testament to the incredible diversity of human growth and development. While his size may present some challenges, it is clear that his loving family embraces him wholeheartedly and cherishes the joy he brings to their lives.

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