A Mother’s Remarkable Journey: 200 Stitches After Delivering a 5kg Baby. l

My husband didn’t get my birthing disappointment


Danielle’s five-kilogram baby was a first for the mum-of-three, and apparently a first for her midwife too.

The UK mum posted to TikTok about the experience, saying she still has flashbacks about the day she gave birth.

In the clip, Danielle held a doll wrapped up like a newborn and played the part of the midwife giving Danielle a play by play of the amazing birth of her big baby.

She was very shocked when she realised how big her baby was

“POV: the midwife when I just had my almost 11lb baby,” the caption read.

Danielle lip syncs to an audio clip from Finding Nemo.

“Saw the whole thing,” the clip says. “First we were all like whoa!” Danielle held up a modest-sized ring, indicating how far she was dilated.

“Then we were all like WHOA!” she said, holding up a larger ring.

“Then you were all like WHOOOOA,” she said, holding up a waste-paper-basket-sized bucket, showing how far Danielle had to dilate to birth a five-kilogram child.

Danielle said the midwife was shocked at her five kilo baby. Photo: TikTok

Mum gets 200 stitches after birthing large baby

Danielle then shared that she had “200 stitches, in and out”.

Given her incredulous response, it was clearly a birth the midwife didn’t see every day.

Mums of big babies flooded the comments with their own birth stories.

“Not even a lie, my first was 10lbs 14oz and we could not get a second alone. I felt like a circus performer!”

One mum said that birthing her big baby made her never want to have children again.

Her son was supposed to be slightly larger than average - but she didn't realise he would be well over four kilos

“This was also me! The midwives kept putting my daughter on and off the scales thinking they were broken! Never again,” she said.

But others were impressed. “Queen! My son was 9.5 and I wanted to die. I even told me midwife to let me die.”

Danielle’s five-kilogram baby was a first for the mum-of-three, and apparently a first for her midwife too.

The UK mum posted to TikTok about the experience, saying she still has flashbacks about the day she gave birth.

In the clip, Danielle held a doll wrapped up like a newborn and played the part of the midwife giving Danielle a play by play of the amazing birth of her big baby.

“POV: the midwife when I just had my almost 11lb baby,” the caption read.

What is an ‘average’ weight at birth?

According to midwife Jane Barry, Australian women have been having bigger and bigger babies.

The mean (average) weight for a baby born at term e.g. from 38-42 weeks is around 3.4-3.5 kgs. Babies who weigh more than 4 kgs at birth may be said to have macrosomia. Put simply, macro means big and somia means body.

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