10 Pictures Of Preemie Babies Smiling Because They’re Happy To Have Made It

A soon-to-be mom eagerly waits for the moment when she will get to hold her baby for the first time. In any mommy’s mind, her baby’s well-being is of the utmost importance. So, if a baby is born premature, it worries the mother to no extent.

Premature babies are babies born before 37 weeks. Especially since they appear to be thinner and weaker as compared to those babies who have completed their nine months in the mother’s womb. But in reality, preemie babies are fighters. They are born already in the middle of a battle and they try their hardest to make it through Every second might seem like a battle to both the mom as well as her little one.

There is nothing sweeter than a baby’s smile — except for maybe when a preemie smiles. Because when they smile, it shows that everything is going to be okay. Their one smile is enough to light up the entire nation. And, of course, the parents also feel a sense of relief as they look at the tiny angel’s smile.

Here, we present to you a collection of images showing some of the cutest, happiest premature babies. We promise that these images will brighten your day:

Meet The Precious Kennedy

This baby girl could not wait at all to arrive in our world. In just 31 weeks, she finally arrived. This tiny bundle of joy, weighing less than two kilograms, could not stop grinning.

The Smile Says A Lot

This tiny angel barely weighs one kilogram. But none of this prevents her from beaming her stunning smile with a big grin. She is the happiest little lady, isn’t she?

Oh, What Joy!

Born at just 34 weeks, this adorable boy weighed only a little over two kilograms. He continued to develop at home after his two-week hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). But this smile is unbeatable, right?

The Best Before And After Pic!

On the left-hand side is the pic of this little princess when she was only 2 days old and weighed less than two kilograms. The pic on the right-hand side is at 16 weeks of age. Oh, that smile speaks volumes!

Laughing Out Loud!

The newborn of this child weighed less than two kilograms. She looks so content to be alive in this photo, which was taken of her when she was just five days old.

All I Need Is My Daddy

Weighing only 1.8 kilograms at the time of his birth, look at the munchkin smile at his daddy. Don’t our parents always bring out the best in us?

Don’t Ever Give Up!

This baby was born seven weeks premature. But, the pic speaks volumes about his “never give up” attitude. Doesn’t it?

Born at 25 weeks

Childbirth in itself is the most beautiful thing ever. But, such stories do reinstate one’s faith in miracles. Yes, miracles do exist. Cheers!

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