Unique Arrival: Baby Girl Enters the World with Rare Condition, Displaying Dark Spots Across Her Body.xt

Happy and healthy baby Jireh was born to mum Toneka and dad Justin Robinson, 32 and 34, from Dallas, US, in June 2021 with dark spots all over her body. Doctors assured the family the condition was just superficial and not dangerous in and of itself, but it does heighten the risk of skin cancer. This beautiful baby girl was born with a unique condition that has caused dark spots all over her body.


Baby girl born with rare condition that causes dark spots all over her body - Mirror Online


Quality analyst Toneka Rogers Robinson, 32, from Dallas, Texas, and her husband, entrepreneur Justin, 34, met in high school and had been together for 17 years before the birth of their baby girl Jireh. Throughout her pregnancy, Toneka went to regular appointments with her doctor and carried out several tests to ensure that everything went smoothly.

Jireh was born in June 2021, a happy and healthy baby, but the couple were initially concerned as Jireh was born with dark spots all over her skin. Their doctors quickly reassured Toneka and Justin that the marks were only superficial Jireh was perfectly healthy. Jireh was diagnosed with Congenital Melanocytic Nevus (CMN) visible pigmented (melanocytic) proliferations in the skin that are present at birth.

The skin condition does put the youngster at risk of Melanoma



The skin condition does put the youngster at risk of Melanoma 



The condition is not hereditary and is caused by the faulty development of pigment cells in the first trimester of pregnancy. This condition occurs in around one percent of infants worldwide. There is an increased risk of melanoma with this condition.

Toneka and Justin began sharing photos of their daughter on Instagram to keep family up to date, but Jireh’s unique appearance garnered attention and her Instagram account @_jirehjoy_ now has over 7,000 followers.

Jireh's mum and dad Toneka, 32, and Justin, 34, hope their youngster will grow up in a world more accepting of differences

Jireh’s mum and dad Toneka, 32, and Justin, 34, hope their youngster will grow up in a world more accepting of differences

The couple loves being able to show the world their beautiful child and are excited that Jireh will grow up in a world that is becoming more accepting of differences. “Justin and I are high school sweethearts. We dated for nine years and had our eight-year wedding anniversary in February,” said Toneka. “After attending college and working in separate states, we married and settled in Dallas in 2013. “In 2019, we became pregnant with our first child, Justice. She was born early at twenty-eight weeks, but her prognosis was excellent, and she was expected to make a full recovery.

The condition is purely superficial and doesn't affect her health


The condition is purely superficial and doesn’t affect her health

“We lost her unexpectedly at four weeks old. “Five months later, we learned that we were pregnant with Jireh. “While still mourning, we began the process of a high-risk pregnancy. I had numerous appointments and tests to ensure the safety of this pregnancy. “Jireh was born at thirty-eight weeks and two days, via a planned caesarean.

The illness is seen in just one per cent of children worldwide

The illness is seen in just one per cent of children worldwide

“My husband saw her first due to the surgery screen being pulled up. His first words were ‘what’s that on her face?’ “My heart dropped when he said that, due to the loss we had just experienced, but once my doctor said it was just pigmentation marks and she wasn’t in pain, my heart relaxed. “The moment he said it was just skin pigmentation, nothing else mattered. It meant that my baby wasn’t in danger of dying, I couldn’t fathom losing another daughter.

Jireh was born shortly after her sister died when she was born premature


Jireh was born shortly after her sister died when she was born premature

“The moment my husband laid her on me, all was right with the world. “Jireh is perfectly healthy, and all her tests have come back normal.” Toneka and Justin plan to continue showing Jireh that her skin is beautiful and they are happy to see that other people think so too.


“I don’t worry as much as I would have if she was growing up when we did. “I personally cannot remember any classmates with noticeable skin conditions. I’ve connected with several parents of children with similar conditions and learned about their experiences. “I feel like she will not feel alone,” Toneka said.

“Today’s generation is all about inclusion and embracing differences. There are so many stars, like Winnie Harlow and Seal, whose skin looks different. They’re still accepted for their talents. “I’m sure she will receive some less-than-favourable comments, but her confidence will be able to withstand ignorance. “Most adults tend to ask about her skin if they are curious, and we don’t mind educating them.

“I have had one neighbour’s kid say that she looked yucky, but I didn’t react to his comment, and talked with his mum about it later. “CMS is just a condition. It doesn’t define Jireh or make her less than anyone without it. “My hopes for her are endless. I pray that we can be the best parents to her and grant her heart’s desires. “I talk to her about it. I treat her like any other child because she is any other child.

“I call her beautiful because she is. I love her skin and I let her know that every day.


“I will teach her that nobody’s opinion of her matters except her own. Confidence is key.

“My parents instilled in me that I was beautiful and we plan to do the same for her.”

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