Young Woman Born With Virtually No Muscles Gives Birth To Miraculous Baby

No one could ever dispute that having a baby is no small or easy feat. It’s a round-the-clock job that requires tons of love, a lot of feeding, and many sleepless nights.

Because Sheree Psaila, 22, is not even physically able to pick up her kid, caring for him goes much beyond the norm for her.

“Sometimes he’ll cry and I can’t reach him to pick him up,” Psaila explained to Daily Mail. “I have to wait for someone to pick him up for me.”

When Ms Psaila was born doctors warned she would not live past her first birthday. She suffers from a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, meaning she has little muscle tissue and is barely able to bend her joints.

She underwent more than 20 surgeries, but they didn’t do anything to improve her condition, and she was still determined to live a normal life.

Before they were married in March 2015, she met Chris at Tafe. Chris has a hereditary illness that has harmed his lower spine.

After suffering a devastating miscarriage, the couple had their first baby, Hayden, a year after they married.

Thankfully, the pregnancy went smoothly. At 29 weeks pregnant the couple moved to Melbourne to be closer to the hospital.

Sheree gave birth to a baby via cesarean section after moving to Melbourne with Chris. Hayden was born weighing a healthy 5 1/2 pounds (2.5 kg), which is good given the circumstances.

What’s more, he has no disabilities or hereditary diseases, which is something both Chris and Sheree had been concerned about.

All agree that Hayden is a miracle, and it’s nothing less than Psaila deserves following her arduous journey.

Sure, Psaila and Chris face more challenges than most parents, but together they’ve shown that love overcomes all.

“I love being a mum, but it does get frustrating at times because there are a lot of things I can’t do,” Ms Psaila said.

She added: “I can change his nappy, but it takes a lot longer and I need assistance because I can’t lift his legs up.”

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