When Police Officers Stop to Help Motorist, They End Up Saving a Choking Infant

Two police officers are being hailed as heroes after they stopped to check up on a parked motorist and ended up saving a choking 2-month old baby in the process.

Police officers Ryan Sidders and Alex Oklander of Shaker Heights, Ohio were driving through town earlier this week when they saw what they thought to be a disabled car.

When they approached the vehicle, they saw that the driver, 26-year-old Tamika Pruitte, was in distress because her daughter Tyra was choking on her milk.

According to the young mother, Tyra is a preemie who has a birth defect that makes her throw up her milk.


Sidders’s bodycam footage then shows Oklander pulling the infant out of her car seat, holding her at an angle, and patting her back to free up the infant’s airways.

As the concerned mother watches over the unfolding events, Oklander finally manages to get the baby breathing again. Sidders listens for breathing and then confirms that Tyra is okay.


The Shaker Heights Police Department later posted footage of the event to their Facebook page.

“Officer Oklander never expected that stopping to help a disabled motorist would require a life-saving effort,” said the department. “Way to go, officers!”

(WATCH the harrowing video below)

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