(video) “The Startling Revelation: Woman’s 20kg ‘Pregnant Belly’ Stuns for 2 Years with No Known Cause” LS

Living miserable with a huge “pregnant belly” for 2 years 

Ms. Hoang, 36 years old from Da Chi village, Tong Ky district, An Thuan, Guizhou, China, has found her abdomen to swell uncontrollably for the past 2 years.

The 36-year-old woman said that two years ago, her stomach showed signs of abnormality. Up to now, it has turned into a giant ball, the top of which is clearly stretched with blood vessels running along the abdomen. This growth caused her pain and she had to see a doctor. After the prescription of the drug, the pain subsided but the abdomen was strangely bulging.

Hoang said that currently, the abdomen weighs 30kg and still shows signs of swelling.

Ms. Hoang has repeatedly made a plea through the local media, hoping that some kind heart can help her return to normal. With her current physical condition, she cannot sleep, walk or take care of her children.

The woman was shocked by her huge belly for 2 years for unknown reasons Photo 1

Miss Hoang’s huge belly

The woman was shocked by her huge belly for 2 years for unknown reasons Photo 2

Everyone who looks at it is very scared

Causes of abnormally large abdomen

The mother of two children had been examined at Quy Duong hospital, An Thuan but still did not receive any explanation about the condition.

Doctors diagnosed Ms. Hoang with a range of illnesses, including cirrhosis of the liver, ovarian cancer, and abnormal fluid accumulation in the abdomen and breasts. However, they were unable to determine the reason behind the irrational growth in the woman’s abdomen.

Ms. Hoang recalled, a doctor tried to remove excess fluid from her abdomen, but after the surgery was over, the abdomen started growing again. A few other doctors speculated that she might have a benign tumor.

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The woman was shocked by her huge belly for 2 years for unknown reasons Photo 3

 Hoang’s body is thin and thin, but he has to “carry” his big belly

Ms. Hoang is often mistaken for a pregnant woman with twins or triplets when riding the bus. The gossip made her angry. She complained to the journalist: “Just one small act is enough to drive me crazy.”

The woman was shocked because of her huge belly for 2 years for unknown reasons Photo 4

 It is known that Hoang’s husband is living and working in a big city to support the family financially. Her eldest son (pictured), 10 years old, has to do most of the housework and take care of his younger sister

“I can only sleep sitting up every night”

Hoang’s huge belly caused great trouble, even sleeping became an extremely difficult challenge. She couldn’t lie on her back or side, so she had to put pillows and blankets on the head of the bed to lean on. Every night, Hoang finds it difficult to breathe and has to sit up continuously. For the past 2 years, she had to use this method to sleep.

Her every movement is also extremely inconvenient, just go a short distance, she will feel tired, severe low back pain.

The woman was shocked because of her huge belly for 2 years for unknown reasons Photo 5

 Poor woman struggling to sleep through the day

Hoang’s special illness has attracted the attention of local authorities. They made a donation to help her pay her medical bills. A local hospital recently announced that its specialists are ready to treat, but the cost can be as high as 30,000 yuan (more than 100 million dong).

The woman was shocked because of her huge belly for 2 years for unknown reasons Photo 6

 Ms. Hoang recorded the identities of all the individuals and organizations that supported her so that later, when she was cured, she could earn money to repay.

“After listening to the doctor’s advice, I was very hopeful. I thank the government and kind people for taking care of me. I used to be very agile. Now, because of this big belly. has seriously affected my normal life. My two children are still small and we now have to ask elderly parents for help. I really want to be healthy again as soon as possible”, Ms. Hoang shared. 

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