Two Sisters Give Birth To Identical Girl Twins Within Weeks Of Each Other

A family was shocked when two sisters fell pregnant with identical twins at exactly the same time.

Megan O’Brien, 29, gave birth to Lilah and Josie on November 21 last year and sister Sara Seyler, 32, had Lennon and Parker just three months later in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, in the US. The double pregnancies came as a complete surprise to both women, as twins do not run in the family at all.

In addition to both sisters becoming pregnant at the same time, this ‘perfect coincidence’ resulted in twins. Sara said she was initially nervous to tell Megan she was pregnant, as Sara had already had a child and she did not want to ‘steal the thunder’ from Megan having her first. The couple did concede, though, that they relished experiencing the pregnancy together. Sara was expecting her son before I was, but when I was expecting twins, I was usually three months ahead of her.

Although Megan’s husband, Matt, is a triplet, there was no indication Megan would give birth to twins, never mind her sister Sarah too. Remembering the moment she discovered her sister would be having twins as well, Megan said: “My jaw dropped.

“I got tears in my eyes because there are no twins in our family anywhere. It was so cool that she was having twins too”.

Megan was at a friend’s bachelorette party on the day her sister got the news – during her first ultrasound. The younger sister said: ‘I answered the FaceTime and Sara was crying and I thought “oh my god, what’s wrong”?

She then holds out the ultrasound image, which shows two twins. The Doylestown, Pennsylvania siblings explained that it was purely coincidental that they both became pregnant at the same time.

“I contacted her and apologized when I told her I was pregnant,” Sara continued. “I apologized profusely. Since she was expecting her first child, and as you are aware, I had just had my first child.

While Megan said she had a “really easy pregnancy”, she admitted to thinking “this is awful” at the 32-week mark. “It was a lot on my body,” she said.

Unlike her sister, Sara admits that her first trimester was “terrible” because of illness. She said: “My first trimester was absolutely horrible with this horrible disease. But my second trimester was really good. I felt pretty good the whole time. Probably around the same time. point with Megan, which is 30 to 33 weeks, it’s very painful.”

Megan’s daughters, Lilah (at 1.33am, weighing 4lbs 14oz) and Josie (at 1.34am, weighing 4lbs 6oz), were born on November 21, 2021 at Doylestown Hospital, Pennsylvania.

Sara’s children were also born healthy, Lennon (at 7.31pm, weighing 5lbs 11oz) and Parker (at 7.32pm, weighing 4lbs 5oz) were born on February 8, 2022, at Lehigh Valley Hospital, Pennsylvania.


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