Tweпty-fοur Memοrable Phοtοgraρhs Illustrate the Glοry οf Delivery


Childbirth is one of the most significant events in a woman’s life, yet many mothers have only a few distinct memories of the entire birth experience. Monet Moutrie, of Monet Nicole, is an accomplished birth photographer who has documented a staggering 100 births. From unmedicated domestic water births to hospital C-sections and stillbirths, she has witnessed it all and captured it in tens of thousands of breathtaking photographs.

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

Image Source: Monet Nicole


24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

Image Source: Monet Nicole

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

Image Source: Monet Nicole


24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

Image Source: Monet Nicole

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

Image Source: Monet Nicole

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth


24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth


24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

24 Memorable Photos That Show The Beautiful Realities Of Giving Birth

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