Triplet Mom Bids “R.I.P” To Her Pre-Kid Life In Hilarious Photos

I’ve been following triplet mom Desirée Fortin every since her triplets were still in utero and she and her husBᴀɴd pulled off the mother of all sᴜʀᴘʀɪsᴇs at their gender reveal (having told their family and friends they were only having twins, not triplets!) I love how her triplet mom articles and Facebook posts address infertility and motherhood in a raw, real way infused with humor, too. Because listen, if you’ve got TOᴅᴅLER TRIPLETS?? You are not gonna make it through without a sense of humor. Fortin is one triplet mom who showcases that humor well on her Instagram and Facebook pages, The Fortin Trio.

Recently I discovered that Fortin has, with the help of her triplets and a letter board, started a hilarious “RIP” series on her Instagram account. In the tongue-in-cheek photos, Desirée bids a “farewell” and “rest in peace” to some of the conveniences of her pre-mom life. Now we all know that being a mom is WORTH giving up these things, but it’s still fun and FUNNY to acknowledge them! And I think, as a triplet mom, Fortin certainly has the right to poke a little fun at her crazy mom existence! Here are a couple of my favorites from her “R.I.P” series.


Um, HELLO! You will not poop alone again for 6 or 7 years. Yet, your HUSBᴀɴD will somehow retain his pooping alone-ability (yes, I just made up that word.) THIS IS A THING! As a matter of fact, just two days ago I showed my teenager the meme that said “Hey teenagers, you may not think your mom is cool now, but you used to love her so much you wanted to watch her poop.” (I was totally stoked that he actually LAUGHED at that. But it’s SO TRUE!) R.I.P, pooping alone!

And of COURSE, you can also say “RIP” to drinking your coffee while it’s hot…unless you want to wake up an hour before your kids!

Thank the Lord for the microwave oven, AM I RIGHT? Heat it up, Gɪʀʟ! You’re gonna need it. And speaking of that…you’re also gonna need to bid “RIP” to SLEEP. Sorry, Friend.

This has been one of my biggest motherhood struggles! Soᴍᴇᴛʜing BROKE in me when I gave birth 14 years ago, and I have not been a good sleeper SINCE. Hence the need for hot coffee. 🙂

The next three of Fortin’s RIP photos go together so perfectly, I just had to include them in succession. Making your marriage a priority after kids is SO IMPORTANT! After all, the best thing you can do for your kids is be two parents who LOVE EACH OTHER as well as them. But….somehow you’re going to have to figure out how to do that WITHOUT these things. Because, well…

RIP shaving yo’ legs…

Oh, and um, sᴇxy bras. (And might I add, perky boobs. Sorry.)

And, oh, right…also, rOᴍᴀɴtic dinners. Those are ᴅᴇᴀᴅ, too. (But I am here to say you CAN resurrect them in a few years! The perky boobs, not so much, tho.)

Did you have a good laugh, my mama friends? I sure did! Thanks to Desirée for keeping it real, and REAL FUNNY! And let’s be honest, she’s adorable! I think her husBᴀɴd’s gotta be pretty digging this hot mama, sports bra and all!

What are some things YOU’VE bid “R.I.P” to as a young mom? (Listening to my own music in the car is one of mine…I can finally do that again after many long years and it’s amaaaazing.)


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