Almost every pregnant woman has experienced vertigo during pregnancy. Especially in the first trimester, this situation occurs more frequently, which makes many pregnant women very tired. The cause of this condition may be due to the pathology, or the body’s reaction to the fetus that is forming in the mom’s body.

Pregnant women with dizziness – Cause

During early pregnancy, pregnant women often experience symptoms such as lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, etc. There are many causes for this condition such as:

 ➡  Due to the strong change of hormones in the body during pregnancy. Progresterone is considered to cause this symptom, possibly due to reduced blood pressure in the blood vessels, decreased blood pressure, and dizziness. Hormone fluctuations will make headaches worse.

 ➡  Pregnant women do not drink enough water. Dehydration can also cause dizziness due to changes in blood pressure.

 ➡  Morning sickness makes pregnant women feel dizzy, tired, nauseous and vomiting. Some moms vomit so badly that they do not dare to eat or drink, usually in the morning after waking up and after every meal.

 ➡  Many moms feel dizzy when they cough, urinate or have a bowel movement. These effects can cause moms to have hypotension that leads to dizziness.

 ➡  The developing uterus needs to provide a lot of blood, which can lead to low blood pressure, reduced blood flow to the brain and dizziness. When standing up, it is easy to make pregnant women dizzy. The growth of the uterus will also put pressure on the artery wall, which is also the cause of dizziness for pregnant women. This condition is more common in pregnant or supine position, because the weight of the fetus will completely put on the walls of the blood vessels. Pregnant women with varicose veins will experience dizziness more often than normal pregnant women.

 ➡  At the end of pregnancy, the plasma capacity increases faster than the increased synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells causing blood thinning, the rate of erythrocytes is lowered, pregnant women develop iron deficiency anemia if Iron intake is not adequate for the body. In severe anemia, the brain and inner ear will be hindered due to insufficient blood supply and symptoms such as lightheadedness, ringing in the ears, loss of balance, loss of energy, and pallor of the face.

 ➡  Dizziness can be caused by hypoglycemia, if not eaten, it is more likely.

 ➡  The function of the adrenal cortex is impaired, vitamin B6 deficiency and psychological anxiety promote the development of early pregnancy reactions, leading to dizziness.

 ➡  Hypertension, urine with abumin and edema (elephant foot edema) at the end of pregnancy Hypertension can lead to dizziness and headaches.

 ➡  Umbilical cord bleeding, blood clotting in blood vessels.

Pregnant women with dizziness – How to prevent it

⇒ Enhance the diet, improve health, especially for pregnant women with weak health.

⇒ Eat every meal every 3 to 4 hours, so as not to lower blood sugar. Drink plenty of water, juice. Do not let the body starve. Keep snacks around to avoid starvation to the point of low blood sugar.

⇒ If moms feel dizzy, sit down and lower the head between the knees

⇒ Do not use stimulants such as alcohol, beer, coffee.

⇒ Get enough sleep 8 hours a day, do not do heavy work, take proper rest before giving birth at least 1 month, in the cold season moms need to wear warm, avoid sudden cold, exercise gentle relaxation exercise, suitable for pregnancy like walking, yoga, etc. help maintain a stable blood pressure.

⇒ Avoid noisy places.

⇒ Pregnant women should go to stand slower, should not sit up out of bed suddenly, avoid standing up suddenly while sitting. If dizziness is overwhelming, sit down quickly until the dizziness stops. After that, the pregnant woman slowly stood up and stood still for a few minutes.

⇒ Avoid saunas during pregnancy.

⇒ Avoid lying on mom’s back so that the fetus will not be inserted into the large blood vessels of the mom, temporarily preventing the circulatory system.

⇒ If dizziness is caused by iron deficiency anemia, moms should take iron every day. After giving birth some people due to heavy blood loss can also cause anemia, lightheadedness, and ringing in the ears. Take iron supplements through the following forms:

  • Supplement iron through foods like chicken egg yolk, dried shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, sesame (sesame), spinach 
  • Iron supplements from eating habits such as reducing inhibitors of iron absorption such as tea, coffee, calcium; fortify substances that promote iron absorption such as orange juice, lemon juice, vitamin C 
  • Supplement with medicines because when the demand for iron increases, the daily diet does not provide enough. However, only the lowest dose should be supplemented. Moms need to consult the doctor for iron supplements from drugs properly and sufficiently according to the needs.

⇒ Regular pregnancy check-ups to detect abnormal conditions.

⇒ Whenever moms see dangerous signs such as edema, rapid weight gain, unusual tiredness, dizziness, lightheadedness, need to see a doctor immediately. Pregnant moms are not allowed to arbitrarily take any medicine whether Eastern medicine or Western medicine.

Wishing moms a healthy pregnancy.


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