Three-time pregnant mom flaunts her bulging belly every week and the photos are the cutest thing you’ve seen today.nhu

The chance of getting pregnant with triplets is 1 in 5000! Imagine the shock on the 36-year old Maria when she found out that she had 3 babies growing inside her belly!

Maria and Andres live in Copenhagen, Denmark with their 2-year old son. They wanted another baby but since they couldn’t conceive it naturally, they turn to IVF. Well, the IVF went great and on a regular check, they heard three heartbeats. Maria and Andre are expecting two girls and one boy and they’re excited for the new chapter in their life. Maria started documenting her pregnancy and the way her body changed. She became really popular getting more than 62.000 followers.


“What a journey this has been! From the huge shock of learning there were three, to people’s reactions, the numerous scannings and checks, and all the preparations and planning for this life-changing event. Nothing like the ordinary.”

“I’m glad we took these pictures. This really shows the massive growth. It’s strange to have ended up with such a big belly and it’s even stranger that it can stand out like that without falling down!”, explains Maria.

The new parents are expecting their babies any day now!

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