The journey of the girl with 14 elder brothers in a happy family.P1

After 28 years of attempts, parents with many children did not give up hope of conceiving a girl.

When a boy grows up in the family, many parents also want a sweetheart daughter. But the couple from Michigan clearly did not have a good time with the process of conceiving girls. They needed to give birth to 14 sons in a row before the long-awaited daughter was born for the 15th time.

On November 4, 45-year-old Kateri Schwandt gave birth to a girl weighing 3.5 kg and measuring 50 cm in length. The baby was named Maggie Jane. And the choice of a name has certainly become easier in recent years because the supply of male names from the parents of 14 sons has clearly dried up.

Kateri and her future husband, Jay, met in high school when they were teenagers. They married at 18 and had their first three sons before graduating from college.

In the end, after 28 years of trying and 14 boys, the couple finally had a daughter. Although Jay had already decided that they simply could not conceive a girl for some medical reason.

“I was shocked. I distinctly remember how I couldn’t utter a word, as Jay later admitted on the show “Good Morning America”. He and Kateri decided that they would find out the sex of the baby at birth. — I couldn’t believe it. I even had to double-check before telling Cathy we had a baby girl.”

Her numerous brothers did not immediately believe in the birth of her sister. However, the girl’s appearance was very happy. The eldest son of the Schwandts is already 28 years old, and the youngest is only 2 years old. According to Jay, their housing is a bit like a fraternity house.

“People often asked me if I could imagine raising a daughter. And I said, “No, I can’t imagine it at all,” Jay admitted.

However, the happy father doubts that his little Maggie will have a gentle, girlish character. Most likely, with 14 brothers, the girl will grow up to be a tomboy.

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