The Intricacies of Twin Love: Twin Sisters Marry Twin Partners and Wonder if Their Babies Will Share Similar Looks.SHD

Twin sisters marry twins and have children together, do the two babies look the same?

The image of this special family made up of these two twins always attracts a lot of attention from the online community.


During pregnancy , every mother must be curious about the appearance of the baby in the womb, whether the baby will be born like the father or the mother. With the two mothers below, their curiosity is doubled when they are a set of twins, marrying two other twins, and getting pregnant together.

Brittany and Briana Deane (35 years old, living in Virginia, USA) are identical twins. Not only that, their lives also have many unexpected coincidences.

Brittany and Briana Deane are identical twins and they also married twins.

In 2017, the sisters attended a festival for twins and met twin brothers named Josh and Jeremy. The two couples quickly fell in love and six months later, the sisters received two identical proposal rings.

The two held a joint wedding on August 5, 2018, and then moved into the same house. Not long after the wedding, Brittany and Briana were happy to find out that they had “good news” three weeks apart. The two couldn’t believe this coincidence and were extremely happy. Unfortunately, both of them later miscarried.

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Twin sisters marry twins and have children together, do the two babies look the same? - 4

The two couples found out they were pregnant in 2020.

Some time after that traumatic event, Brittany became pregnant again and about 3 months later, Briana also discovered “good news”. Once again pregnant together, the twins are extremely happy. They take care of each other and learn together the knowledge and experiences of pregnancy. Another thing that makes them very excited is to prepare clothes for their two soon-to-be babies.

Brittany ended her pregnancy in January 2021. Her baby is a boy, named Jett. In April of the same year, Briana and her husband also gave birth to a baby boy and named him Jax. At birth, the image of two babies was published by “four” parents on their joint social networking site. However, contrary to what many people think that the two babies must be very similar, Jett and Jax have many differences.

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The children of the two couples were born three months apart and at birth did not look too similar.

However, the older they get, the more Jett and Jax look alike. If only a couple took two babies out, people would mistake them for twins but different eggs.

According to genetic science, the case of Jett and Jax are called “quaternary twins”. There are only about 300 such twins recorded in the world. ” Not only do they need to be born to two sets of parents who are twins, they also have to be born no more than nine months apart ,” Brittany explains.

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Twin sisters marry twins and have children together, do the two babies look the same? - 7

The older they get, the more they look in common.

Sharing more on this issue, American geneticist Kelvin Walsh said: “Two sets of twins are from the same egg, so even though they are 4 people, they actually only have two sets of DNA and there is a high chance that they will combine in So if two twins get married and have children together, there will be an unexpected phenomenon that is that their children, even though they are cousins, have almost identical genomes. “. 

The interesting family formation of these two twins has attracted a lot of attention on social networks. Brittany said the four of them share all the household chores, taking care of the two children like twins, regardless of which pair’s children.

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The two families still live together and take care of each other’s children.

Twin sisters shared husband for 10 years, decided to get the same breed to have children together

This pair of sisters is preparing their health and finances to fulfill their dream of being pregnant and giving birth to a child for the same man.

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