The everyday photos of the father with his daughters are so adorable and funny that they make everyone burst into laughter.p1

We know that in this modern and busy society, we are surrounded by people who are becoming increasingly dependent on their mobile phones. Many fill their social media with edited photos, presenting a distorted reality to their followers.

However, there is a small group of people who embrace a reality without pretenses or deceptive appearances.

The true essence of life cannot be edited; it can only be enjoyed.

Simon Hooper is one of those individuals. He has become a sensation on Instagram by narrating the reality of being the father of four beautiful girls through images. He has amassed over 1 million followers who enjoy his stories. On his account, you’ll find a dose of humor that contradicts the perfect parenthood portrayed in magazines.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Since the age of 24, Simon has found himself surrounded by little princesses who are the protagonists of his life. His reality is that of a man surrounded by five ladies, and life has taught him valuable lessons about fatherhood, feminism, and equality.

Life teaches you lessons that books don’t tell you.

Hooper has a pair of 18-month-old twins, Ottie and Delilah. Although he admits that he still struggles to tell them apart, he takes pride in every funny incident they have. One day, during breakfast, they decided to eat their cereal in a way that defied all norms and gravity.

“Ottie opted for the traditional spoon of milk on the table and planted it on her face. Delilah used brute force to defy the gravity of the entire planet. She poured the bowl, tray still in hand, down her throat. Some days, it’s hard for me to put into words how proud I am of them.”

As a father of four girls, Hooper doesn’t want to limit them, nor does he want destiny to do so. He emphasizes his responsibility to support and encourage them to do whatever they want.

From a young age, he motivates them to celebrate and promote the achievements of great pioneers, those women who, without hesitation, changed the world. He believes that our children will forge new paths and make discoveries that will take humanity to places we can only dream of today.

“My message to my girls is to THINK BIG, WORK HARD, and do what they were told they can’t do in whatever field they choose—to be the masters of their own destiny.” Hooper is one of those fathers who will do anything to make his daughters happy. It doesn’t matter if one day he has to be the prince for a dance or wear a child’s tutu on another day. He knows that with four girls, breaking the norm is inevitable.

If you have children, what’s important is to see them happy.

Anyone who has children at home knows that if you tell them something, they will understand the opposite. There is no manual or book that can tell you how a child will react in a particular situation. Chaos arrives, and for them, the fun seems endless.

When you think everything is calm, a water war can break out in the bathroom.

After a day of play where imagination and toys are scattered everywhere, the precious moment of rest arrives. However, for Simon, this is more than just a word that doesn’t apply. His body transforms into a tool for climbing while he listens to the list of things that have been broken and he’ll have to fix.

There’s nothing like resting on daddy’s back.

Bedtime is undoubtedly one of the most challenging times. Despite playing all day, it seems like their energy never runs out. On the contrary, they become more creative and invent different poses on the bed.

After much patience, the little ones fall asleep. With the little twins, anything is possible.

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