The boy with the most incredible weight in the world .SX

Aria Permana (17 years old, Indonesia) was once called “the fattest boy in the world” when he weighed nearly 200 kg at the age of 10. How is this boy’s life now?

How is the 'fattest boy in the world' now? - Photo 1.

Aria Permana (17 years old, Indonesia) was once called the “fattest boy in the world” when he weighed nearly 200 kg at the age of 10.

According to The Mirror on February 4, Aria Permana used to weigh nearly 200kg when she was 10 years old. That’s why many people call Aria Permana “the fattest boy in the world”.

Aria Permana was born in Karawang Regency, West Java, Indonesia in 2006. At the age of 10, this boy surprised many people when he weighed nearly 200 kg. Aria Permana has a body many times that of her peers.

According to The Mirror , Aria Permana was born with a weight of only 3.8 kg. However, by the age of 4, the weight began to increase rapidly. At the age of 8, the weight of Aria Permana was more than 70 kg and quickly gained 196 kg at the age of 10.

How is the 'fattest boy in the world' now? - Photo 2.

Aria Permana has a body many times more than her peers

The reason why Aria Pêmana has such weight is because this boy used to eat out of control, especially fascinated with instant noodles and soft drinks.

Because of her weight, in the third grade, Aria Permana could not move, so she was forced to drop out of school at the age of 9.

After that, Aria Permana began to lose weight. Aria Permana is put on a strict diet of eating only fruits and vegetables with exercises and swimming.

After a month, Aria Permana has lost 6kg. Doctors also performed surgery to reduce the size of Aria Permana’s stomach to help reduce his appetite. After the surgery, Aria Permana lost up to 16kg in two weeks.

How is the 'fattest boy in the world' now? - Photo 3.

The new look of the once fattest boy in the world

During her time at Hasan Sadikin Hospital for treatment of overweight, Aria Permana was fortunate to meet a professional bodybuilder in Indonesia Ade Rai. Thanks to that, Aria Permana was helped to practice by Ade Rai and gradually completely transformed after an unbelievable weight loss journey with many surgeries to remove excess skin.

After 4 years with many efforts to lose weight, Aria Permana has lost a total of 110 kg. The 17-year-old is now able to play many sports and can return to school to continue his studies.

About Aria Permana’s appearance has also changed a lot, Aria Permana looks better and slimmer.

How is the 'fattest boy in the world' now? - Photo 4.

Many people feel admiration with the change of Aria Permana, who was once “the fattest boy in the world”

Aria Permana also often shares articles on the media, thereby encouraging children as well as parents interested in a healthy lifestyle, motivating weight loss and self-improvement for many children with obesity obesity in the world.

Many people feel admiration with the change of Aria Permana, who was once “the fattest boy in the world”.

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