“The Astounding Life Force of Children: Cranium Measurements Three Times That of Adults!”. LS


The craпium measuremeпt οf a child is three times that οf aп adult, aпd their life fοrce is astοuпdiпg.

A hospital employee cares for the ill child who was abandoned.

This story moved my heart to its core.

Sarah first encountered Nika, a three-month-old infant, in 2014, when her mother brought her to the hospital where she was volunteering in Haiti. She worked as a recreational therapist with children and teens.


Sarah, who unhesitatingly assumed responsibility for ensuring the health of this young girl, exemplified the existence of angels who are willing to open their hearts to assist.

Nika was born into a very precarious circumstance, as her mother was a prostitute. The infant had a unique condition in which she accumulated superfluous cerebrospinal fluid in her cranium.

She required immediate medical attention, but her mother was not taking care of it; she was deteriorating and Sara observed that she was losing weight. Her mother felt humiliated for her, concealed her, and did not give her the necessary attention or affection.

Nika, however, was alive against all odds, as 99.9% of infants with this condition typically perish within the first year of life.


Sarah had difficulty receiving appropriate care from her mother, who offered free weekly medical treatments but made no effort to transport her. Sarah was required to return to the United States, but she remained committed to assisting Nika.

She also kept her word. Sarah returned to Haiti, but without the consent of Nika’s biological mother, who had been diagnosed with hydranencephaly, she could do little. As a large portion of her brain is absent and her cerebrospinal fluid is copious, it is assumed that she suffered a stroke in utero.


“I learned that the mother may have attempted to terminate the pregnancy by ingesting various toxic substances. In addition, the mother revealed to me that she attempted to sell Nika to the Dominican Republic for “investigations,” but they refused her. Unfortunately, this is an all too common occurrence for many individuals with disabilities in Haiti.

Sarah was prepared for anything, so she accompanied a local pastor to Nika’s house, where she discovered something terrible: “I entered the house to find Nika alone, reclining on a sack of rice and encircled by refuse. She was 11 months old and weighed only 2.72 kilograms (6 pounds), with more than half of her weight attributed to fluid retention.


The next day, she asked the authorities to place Nika under her care; they granted her request and returned to her mother’s home, where she received the child without hesitation. Nika eventually became Sarah’s daughter, despite the fact that Sarah did not carry her in her womb; she was born from Sarah’s spirit.

Since then, this little girl has received the affection she so desperately required but had not previously experienced. Nika was granted a medical visa to travel to the United States last year, where she underwent a surgical procedure that significantly enhanced her quality of life, her head size was reduced, and she lost a little over 2 kilograms (5 pounds) of fluid. detained.


Together with her daughter, each day is a blessing for Sarah. “With every breath she takes, she defies the odds and proves that nothing is impossible with God.”


What a generous spirit Sarah has! She became her guardian angel; Nika’s life is a true marvel because of her devotion. This is an inspiring tale; sometimes we complain about problems or challenges that pale in comparison to what Nika endured and Sarah’s fight to save her.

There is always a solution to every problem, and typically it is love. Her progress can be tracked on her Little Warrior Nika profile, because she is a warrior.

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