S1. “Cute 6-Year-Old: Standing at 1m, She’s 91kg of Cuteness!” S1

The 6-year-old girl is 1m tall and weighs 91 kg

Suman Khatun, 6 years old, living in West Bengal, India, is only 1m tall but weighs up to 91 kg, 5 times heavier than other babies of the same age.

Only Suman can eat the food of 4 people. Photo: Barcroft.

When she was 5 years old, she gained 76 kg, until 6, she continued to gain another 15 kg. Every day, Suman has to eat two breakfast meals including rice, eggs, bananas, cookies. At noon, I continued to eat two more lunches including two large bowls of rice, two plates of fried fish and about 10 eggs. The girl’s mother, 32-year-old Beli Bibi, did not know how much food she could eat because she often complained of hunger. After lunch, Suman often went out to eat or beg at the neighboring houses.

The girl and her friends of the same age. Photo: Barcroft.

Suman’s parents are farmers, they only earn $ 26 a week, not enough money to buy food for her. Every week, Suman eats 14 kg of rice, 8 kg of potatoes, 8 kg of fish, about 180 bananas, and other sweets and cakes. Every month, my family has to cut expenses to feed Suman.

At birth, Suman weighed 3.9 kg, but her frequent hunger and cravings only occurred from the moment she started drinking milk. Every day I eat more and more and never seem to feel hungry. Because of her fat, Suman has difficulty moving, she is afraid to exercise and is often tired when walking. She spends her days watching TV or hanging out with her older sister Shabnam, 13.

Suman’s fat body. Photo: Barcroft.

Subodh Bandyopadhyay, 35, Suman’s family doctor, has been treating the girl since she was a child. He said: “She suffers from an uncontrolled eating disease, she is now 5 times heavier than a child of the same age. It’s time for the family to treat her obesity. If Suman continues to eat as much as she is now, she will soon die of heart disease.”

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