Prayers needed for our sweet boy and family! Jaxson

Please join me in sending sweet Jaxson all your love!!!
From his amazing mom, Candice:

“Prayers needed for our sweet boy and family!💙


Jaxson was born premature at 36 weeks on September 11th 2023 and within 2 hours of his birth he was transferred straight to CHOA at Egelston. Jaxson was diagnosed before birth with Down Syndrome and a couple heart defects.
At 7 days old, Jaxson went in for his first Cath surgery to have a stent placed in his pulmonary valve. That was placed to keep that pulmonary valve open until he can have open heart surgery to do his full repair.
Jaxson spent his first 7 weeks of life at CHOA and was released on October 31, 2023. He was home for 3 weeks until he caught the rhinovirus. He had been sick for about a week, and we thought he was recovering well and didn’t have major complications. Little did we know things would take a big turn.
The cardiologist recommended we bring Jaxson in to be evaluated because he had been retracting more than his normal. 20 minutes after arriving at the hospital, our sweet baby boy was rushed into a room with about 26 doctors and nurses. His oxygen had been setting in the 40s, and they were having to do an emergency intubation 😭
He had just gone to the doctor the day before, and his oxygen had been fine. So, on November 18th, 2023, our sweet boy was admitted to CHOA once more.
Since November 18th, Jaxson has been intubated three times. He has what you call a floppy airway, which is common in Down syndrome. He spent his first Thanksgiving and Christmas at CHOA.
On January 2, 2024, he had his second Cath surgery. This surgery was to reevaluate the stent to see if it needs to be blown up or if it’s in the right position, and to also look at the anatomy of his heart and see how much longer he can hold out until a complete repair that would require open heart surgery. That went great and our goal is for Jaxson to have open heart surgery around 5-6 months old.
He’ll have another procedure on Friday, January 5th. That will be to evaluate his lungs and airway. With Jaxson failing extubation in the past The doctors have ruled out it being caused by his heart at this time and are leaning towards it being caused by his airway.
Please keep our sweet boy and family in your prayers. This has been hard for us all especially Jaxsons four older sisters. We’re just ready to have our sweet boy home with us. 💙
Hoping so hard the surgery tomorrow goes well and this sweet baby gets the healing he needs.
We are all thinking of you, Jaxson! ❤️