Photographer Captures Woman Giving Birth in Car On Side of Road

A mother was on her way to the hospital with her family when her water suddenly broke. Her birth photographer, Breanna Gravener was closely following behind without her even knowing.

Birth photography is the area of expertise for Bendigo, Australia-based professional photographer Breanna Gravener. One of her clients, Corinne, had just gone into labor, according to a text message she received. Since early that morning, Corrine had been awake due to her regular contractions

The situation didn’t seem too urgent, until Gravener received another message just thirty minutes later. The expecting couple and their three-year-old were traveling to the nearby hospital, which was a half-hour drive away. There, Gravener intended to meet Corinne and her partner Mishi.

Gravener didn’t realize just how far along Corinne was when she made her way to the hospital. As soon as the couple hit the first speed bump Corinne was questioning if they would make it to the maternity ward in time.

Using soothing music and visualizations Corinne was able to stay focused on breathing and relaxing her muscles. Corinne said it was time to pull over as they reached the hospital’s turnoff because she could feel the baby’s head.

Using soothing music and visualizations Corinne was able to stay focused on breathing and relaxing her muscles. Corinne said it was time to pull over as they reached the hospital’s turnoff because she could feel the baby’s head.

Luckily, Gravener had her camera ready, and rushed to the car when she saw the couple pull over to the side of the road. Matilda came into the world fast, giving Mishi just enough time to rush to Corinne’s side in the passenger seat and catch their daughter.

“I’ve been photographing births for one year. Every birth is different,” Gravener said.” Whilst I have captured births that came quickly at home before, I haven’t captured one on the way to hospital. It was a joyful and calm experience for all involved. ”

Corinne attributes the ease of the birth and everyone’s composure to hypnobirthing techniques. Soon after, paramedics transported Matilda and Corinne to the hospital, where both are now doing well.
