Parents abandoned their newborn baby after discovering a third leg that angered the community.f

On a cold morning in early winter, the residents of a small village nestled along a tranquil river were left in shock upon receiving news of a deserted newborn baby. What made this unfortunate incident even more astounding was the reason behind it – not due to the family’s impoverished circumstances, but rather, because of a detail that sparked anger and outrage within the community: the baby had a third leg.

Initially, when rumors of a three-legged infant circulated through the village, many dismissed it as a prank or misinformation. However, the heartbreaking truth was confirmed when a local journalist investigated the matter.

At that time, the village was already divided by numerous internal disputes and controversies, but no one could have anticipated that the abandonment of a newborn could become such a heated issue. The presence of the baby with a third leg led many to believe it was an unlucky omen or a sign of something sinister lurking within the village.

Baby Waпg Jiaqiaп with the middle leg

It happeпed iп Hebei proviпce, пortherп Ϲhiпa. Αfter giviпg birth to a girl пamed Waпg Jiaqiaп, iп a paпic, her pareпts left her iп aп orphaпage. However, shortly after, the mother retυrпed to pick υp Waпg Jiaqiaп dυe to gυilt aпd gυilt.


WaпgJiaqiaп’s mother coυld пot explaiп why her soп had sυch a straпge extra part. She said: “Right after the birth, my baby’s private area appeared straпge. It was a lυmp of swolleп flesh the size of a haпd. Sooп after, it qυickly grew iпto aпother leg.”


Ϲυrreпtly, Waпg Jiaпqiaп’s pareпts have soυght help from doпors to have moпey for sυrgery to remove his third leg, helpiпg baby Waпg Jiaпqiaп have a пormal life.


Α similar tragic case happeпed iп Febrυary last year, a baby girl was also abaпdoпed becaυse she was borп with aп extra leg iп Shishaп towп, iп Naп’aп city, Ϲhiпa.

Doctors in India have successfully operated on a newborn baby with 3 legs.

Information posted on the Daily Mail, on March 27, doctors at Niloufer Hospital, Hyderabad (India) successfully operated on a baby born with 3 legs .

Accordingly, on March 21, Srilatha Kanchanapally (25 years old) gave birth to a baby girl at Jangon Hospital, Telangana state (India). But strangely, when the baby girl was born with 3 legs , the family panicked.

According to the family, during pregnancy, the fetus is still healthy and normal. Until the time of birth, during a routine ultrasound, doctors said the fetus had a malformation .

3 chan

Baby born with 3 legs in India makes the family very worried. (Photo: Newstions/SWNS).


After 6 days of giving birth, Ms. Srilatha and her family took the baby to the Hospital in Hyderabad, 100km from home, for surgery to remove the excess leg. Upon receiving the above case, the surgical team quickly performed the operation, after 3 hours, the extra leg was separated from the child’s body.

According to Dr. Srinivas, who directly operated, said that the reason the baby has 3 legs is because during the pregnancy it was a twin.

“The extra leg was grown from the child’s pelvic area. Currently, the baby’s health has completely recovered. Unlike other deformities, this child is very healthy,” Dr. Srinivas informed.

According to doctors, this is a rare case, only 1 case in 100,000 births in the world.

After the surgery, Srilatha happily said, this is the happiest thing in her life, the doctors like God gave this special gift to her and her family.

“I thank the surgeons, this is a “golden” operation, it has brought happiness to my family and my daughter. Now, she is completely healthy. They are like God blessed. for a beautiful child,” Ms. Srilatha shared.

It is known that the surgery on Srilatha’s family did not have to pay any cost. Because this case was funded by the Government of India .

Although the baby was blameless for having a third leg, this did not deter the parents from abandoning it. Reportedly, the parents chose to abandon the baby and disappeared without a trace.

In response to this unfortunate incident, the police and authorities stepped in to search for and protect the baby. Meanwhile, several charitable organizations and humanitarian groups within and beyond the village extended their support to find a loving family willing to embrace the child as their own.

This incident undoubtedly left a sorrowful and thought-provoking impact on the community. It also emphasized the importance of compassion and love in life. The abandonment of an innocent child due to a physical anomaly serves as a poignant reminder of the need for unity and acceptance of human differences.

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