p. The children of a mother with 14 children, holding 8 records, how are they today? making everyone curious.p

In January 2019, the US media in particular and the world in general were stirred up by the successful birth of 8 children of Ms. Natalie “Nadya” Suleman – a woman from California at the time 34 years old.

Suleman’s birth of eight children at that time was recorded in the world record as the most confirmed multiple births. There is another American mother who also gave birth to 8 and holds this title with her. Suleman’s record held until last year, after a Malian mother gave birth to nine.

Nadya Suleman and her 8 children at birth

The eight babies in the shocking birth of six boys and two girls were named Noah, Josiah, Nariyah, Jonah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Makai, and Maliyah, respectively. In which, the oldest baby was born weighing 1.5 kg and the youngest was only 0.68 kg.

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All babies grow up healthy. However, in the first time, because they were so small, the babies had to be kept in an incubator and received special care. By the 6th day after birth, all can take off the ventilator.

Both boys and girls are healthy

The way Nadya Suleman chose to give birth to 8 children at once also caused a lot of controversy. She used in vitro fertilization to get pregnant with 8 records. The single mother previously had six children, all of whom were born via insemination.

The woman born in 1975 actively became a single mother of 14 children

Nadya Suleman’s journey as a single mother of 14 children, including 8 babies born at the same time, has been watched by the media for decades. In 2009, in an interview, she shared that she tries to spend time with each child one by one every day. On average, she holds each child for 45 minutes a day, and always holds Jonah – the lightest boy.

Suleman’s mother once revealed to the media that Nadya’s 14 children all have the same biological father, David Solomon – a man that the single mother used to date.

Being alone, the Suleman family’s life was not easy in every way. In 2012, the mother of 14 children had to file for personal bankruptcy when she could not pay a debt of up to 1 million USD (about 23 billion VND). She had to take her children out of her home because of a bank loan. And this mother struggled with many jobs to make ends meet. That’s why not a few people criticized Nadya’s choice to have too many sins.


Nadya struggles to raise 14 children alone

Currently, 8 Suleman brothers have turned 13. Nadya Suleman still occasionally shares pictures of her children on her personal social networking site. An article in the New York Times in 2018 revealed that 8 brothers, although smaller than their peers, are healthy, obedient and happy children. Nadya’s hoaxes were all taught quite seriously and studied hard, not being neglected or not receiving the full education as many rumors previously said.

Latest pictures from 8 children’s 13th birthday party

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