Mother, 27, give birth to baby son in TESCO – and she’d only popped in for cat food and paracetamol

A pregnant mum who popped into Tesco to buy household essentials came out with something far more unexpected – a new baby boy.

Lauren Ewings, 27, went into labour four weeks early and gave birth, with the help of supermarket staff, to 6lb Edward.

The 27-year-old from Tiverton, Devon had woken up on Monday in some pain but had assumed they were Braxton Hicks, sometimes known as false labour pains.


After dropping her eldest child off at school, she made what she thought would be a quick trip to her local Tesco Superstore in the town to pick up some paracetamol and cat food.

However, before she had even set foot into the shop, Lauren’s waters had broken.

Lauren Ewings, 27, went into labour four weeks early and gave birth to 6lb Edward

Lauren Ewings, 27, went into labour four weeks early and gave birth to 6lb Edward


She rushed to the store’s disabled toilets to clean herself up and call her partner to walk over from their nearby home to collect her.

But things moved much quicker than anticipated. She phoned her mum and auntie, who called an ambulance and the Tesco store to get help to her quickly.

A member of staff soon found her in the store’s disabled toilets. They pulled up a privacy screen and got to work helping Lauren deliver her son, who arrived within 30 minutes.

Lauren said: ‘I got into the disabled toilets and five or 10 minutes later I felt a heavy pressure down below so I called my mum.

‘She called the ambulance cause I was in so much pain. My auntie, who was with her at the time, called Tesco Tiverton to try and get someone to come and help me.

‘I’d been on the phone for about 10 minutes and then five minutes later Lisa, who works at Tesco came in and then two minutes later I crouched down and he started coming out.

‘Two minutes later I delivered the placenta and then about 15 minutes later, the paramedics arrived.

‘I went in at 9:10am and he was born by 9:40am. It was really quick especially because my two previous children were c-sections and this was my first natural birth so I didn’t have any pain relief or anything.

Baby Edward was born in the disabled toilet of a branch of Tesco in Tiverton, Devon

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Baby Edward was born in the disabled toilet of a branch of Tesco in Tiverton, Devon

‘I never expected to do that on a Monday morning.’

Since the events on Monday, Lauren says she and baby Edward have been having some tests but are now doing well.

She continued: ‘It’s been a bit hectic and we’ve only just come out this morning because he was a little bit jaundiced and they were a bit concerned he had a heart murmur.

‘But other than that, it’s absolutely fine. He’s technically four weeks early so he weighed six pounds two so he’s proper dinky.

‘It was a very unexpected day, considering it was my middle child’s fourth birthday and it’s the day after my mum’s birthday as well.’

Lauren has thanked the staff at Tesco Tiverton, saying they were ‘fantastic’. She continued: ‘The Tesco staff were all in shock and really excited. We’ve got a couple of friends that work there and they were talking about it all day.’

Lisa Haymes, who has worked for Tesco for 30 years, helped deliver baby Edward.

The first-aid trained shift leader, 54, said: ‘In all my years working in many Tesco stores I’ve never seen anything like what happened on Monday.

‘And while I am first-aid trained you’re never taught how to deliver a baby.

A member of staff at the Tesco in Tiverton helped Lauren to deliver her baby

A member of staff at the Tesco in Tiverton helped Lauren to deliver her baby

‘So when I saw Lauren in the toilet cubicle in so much pain I knew I had to deliver it there and then relying on adrenaline and instinct.

‘Luckily it all went well. I looked after Lauren and the baby boy keeping her calm until paramedics arrived.

‘I feel an incredible sense of pride that I made a difference to someone’s life and was able to help deliver Eddie successfully.

‘I am also so grateful for my colleague Caroline who kept me company from outside the door talking to paramedics and talking me through how to care for the new-born and mum.

‘When I came back into work the next day I felt like a celebrity and all my Tesco colleagues have been so supportive not to mention the family who have been in touch to say a big thank you.

‘I hope when Eddie grows he’ll hold keep a special place in his heart for our store in Tiverton.’
