Mom Was Become The First Woman Gave Birth Quintuplets In Ukraine

Mom Was Become The First Woman Gave Birth Quintuplets In Ukraine

Three years after giving birth to her only daughter, a Ukrainian mom became pregnant again and thought she was probably having twins. What she ended up having, however, was a first in their country.

Oksana Kobeletska, 38, and her husband, Sergey from Ukrainian. when their the first daughter was 3 years old, they were expecting another children. Their expection come true, when after 3 years, she got pregnant. However, during her ultrasound scan, she was worry when saw her expression shock on doctor’s face. Suddenly, her heart stopped for moment.

The doctor soon assuaged her fears that something might be wrong with her baby, but what news followed was no less shock.

Doctor said, “I can clearly see five fetuses, maybe six. It’s hard to say.”

It turned out that the mom of one would soon become a mom of six—she was carrying quintuplets! Unbelievable, ” i could image , what happed” she said.


Quintuplets are extremely rare, occurring just once in nearly 50 million pregnancies. Nobody in her family has never had it. She only thought ,she was carrying twins, no more than.

“Generally speaking, I didn’t expect it and never anticipated it,I can’t even imagine right now how it is going to be, to raise so many children at once.”” she added

The shocked mom gave birth to five ᴘʀᴇᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ but healthy quintuplets via ᴄᴇsᴀʀᴇᴀɴ sᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ with the help of eight doctors and nurses. The babies were named Daria, Alexandra, Denis, Vladislav, and David—two girls and three boys.

When they are seventeen months

The five babies are considered to be the first quintuplets in Ukraine. Though the hospital staff were excited, the parents were less , they so nervous and worry , how can they take care of them so, as they were not prepared for such a big family, and it was going to be quite an adjustment.

“It almost felt like a nightmare, as if I would wake up at any time,” recalled Kobeletska.

Odessa city officials gave the big family a 100-square-meter apartment to celebrate the newborns.


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