Malian woman gives birth to nine babies in morocco after expecting seven

Mali woman Halima Cisse gave birth to nine babies (nonuplets) on May 5th, 2021. Thus breaking the world record of largest multiple birth, with all babies surviving. The infants are 4 boys and 5 girls.

Halima Cisse had been expected to give birth to seven babies, but ultrasounds conducted in Morocco and Mali had missed two of the siblings. The nonuplets – five girls and four boys – were all were delivered by caesarean section.

The 25-year-old’s pregnancy has fascinated the west African nation and attracted the attention of its leaders. When doctors said in March that Cisse needed specialist care, the country’s transitional leader, Bah Ndaw, ordered that she be sent to Morocco.



“The mother and babies are doing well so far,” Mali’s health minister, Fanta Siby, told Agence France-Presse, adding that she had been kept informed by the Malian doctor who accompanied Cisse to Morocco. They are due to return home in several weeks’ time, she added.

Croakers had been concerned about Cisse’s health and her babies’ chances of survival, according to original press reports. Nonuplets are extremely rare and medical complications in multiple births of this kind frequently mean that some of the babies don’t survive. In filmland extensively participated on social media, Cisse could be seen smiling, celebrating with her croakers near her nine children, held in a row of incubators at the sanitarium. Announcement

Cisse’s hubby, Adjudant Kader Arby, still in Mali with the couple’s aged son, told BBC Afrique he’d been in constant touch with his woman and he wasn’t bothered about the future.
“ God gave us these children,” he said. “ He’s the one to decide what will be to them. I ’m not upset about that. When the almighty does commodity, he knows why.”

The first known case of nonuplets was in 1971 in Sydney, but none survived. Another set was born in 1999 in Malaysia, but none lived more than a few hours. In 2009, the then 33-year-old Nadya Suleman broke records when she gave birth to octuplets in California, capturing global attention.

The rare good news has captivated many in Mali, giving much-needed joy in a country beset by political turmoil and a jihadist insurgency


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