LS (VIDEO) Beautiful and realistic photos to every millimeter of the development of the fetus in the womb LS

Take a look at these pictures to see how amazing your baby’s development is week by week.

Your little angel starts out as a small cluster of cells but in the course of 9 months of pregnancy will become a very cute baby with facial features, a beating heart and kicking feet. . Let’s find out the development of the fetus in the womb week by week!

Week 1

The process of growing a baby in the womb

In fact, you can hardly find out you have “good news” in the first week of pregnancy because we often do not know the exact time of conception.

Week 2

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Week 2 is ovulation and your angel is not there yet. At that point, the ovary will release a mature egg into the fallopian tube, where it patiently waits for the sperm to survive its journey through your cervix.

Week 3

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Amazingly, all genetic traits such as eye color, hair color, skin color, and body type are established at conception. Your angel is now called a zygote consisting of 46 chromosomes, 23 from you and 23 from your partner.

Week 4

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The embryo at week 4 is still very small but has split into two parts. One half becomes the placenta that provides nutrients and oxygen to the baby throughout the pregnancy. For the rest, the embryo continues to develop to create the neural tubes that form the baby’s brain, spinal cord, and spine.

Week 5

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Usually you will find out you are pregnant this week through a pregnancy test. The strong development of the fetus at 5 weeks, even if you or your doctor can’t hear it, it will also show through the ultrasound image.

Week 6

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The size of the fetus will triple and the heart will beat more often, about 150 times a minute.

Week 7

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The baby’s face grows amazingly. The dark spots marking the eyes and nostrils, a little bit of the mouth and ears are all starting to form. Your baby’s brain is also developing more complex.

Week 8

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Facial features are more refined, more visible. Eyelids are also gradually forming and the heart is growing healthier day by day.

Week 9

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Along with several vital organs such as the pancreas and gallbladder, the reproductive organs are beginning to form at 9 weeks. At this point, the fetus has doubled in size and the head occupies half the length of the entire body. body. Baby’s little fingers are growing longer, fingerprints are gradually forming.

Week 10

The process of growing a baby in the womb

There are many changes in the fetus: the hands and feet will now separate into fingers and toes, the bones will begin to harden, and the kidneys are now producing urine. Most impressively, at this point, your baby’s brain is developing at an amazing rate – almost 250,000 neurons are formed every minute!

Week 11

The process of growing a baby in the womb

At weeks 10 and 11, your baby will begin to inhale and exhale small amounts of amniotic fluid, which helps your baby’s lungs develop. Also this week, your baby’s ears will develop on the sides of his head.

Week 12

The process of growing a baby in the womb

As your baby’s muscles start to grow at this stage, he’s busier and kicks more. When you put your hand on your belly, your baby will probably wiggle as he begins to develop reflexes.

Week 13

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The fetus is big and lovely with a face more like a real baby every day. At this stage, the body grows stronger, the baby’s hands develop in proportion to the body and can reach the mouth.

Week 14

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your baby’s tiny palate is fully formed and the constant sucking reflex helps create a full mouth, plump cheeks. If you ‘re pregnant with a boy , the prostate gland is forming, and the ovaries are moving down the pelvis if you’re pregnant with a girl.

Week 15

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Fluffy, sideburns cover the back, shoulders, ears and forehead, helping to retain body heat. Your baby may smile squinting or grimacing as a way of expressing his mood.

Week 16

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your baby’s fragile skeleton continues to form from cartilage to bone. If you’re pregnant with a girl, hundreds of eggs are forming in her uterus.

Week 17

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Eventually, the baby’s arms, legs, and torso grow to their full size. Baby starts to stretch this week, body fat is kept under the skin and sweat glands develop. The placenta at this week is also as large as the fetus.

Week 18

The process of growing a baby in the womb

With the bones and nerves of the ear fully developed, your baby can hear a variety of sounds including the sound of blood flowing through the umbilical cord, your belly rumbling and your heartbeat.

Week 19

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The cheese-like slime that coats the body white helps regulate body temperature and protects your baby’s skin while it’s submerged in amniotic fluid. This layer will most likely disappear once the baby is born.

Week 20

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your little angel is truly happy in your womb: limbs grow and continue to explore by bending, folding, and kicking. Hair, nails, and eyebrows continue to grow.

Week 21

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your baby’s stomach is now able to absorb nutrients, although it still receives it directly from the placenta.

Week 22

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The baby’s transparent skin gradually becomes opaque; however, it will remain wrinkled, red, and protected in a white greasy coating. Also this week, your baby has fine-tuned consciousness thanks to brain cells and nerves. The fetus forms eyebrows and acquires new skills.

Week 23

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Billions of brain cells that develop over the next two weeks control all movement, sensation, and basic functions such as breathing. At this stage, the fetal lungs are more fully developed.

Week 24

The process of growing a baby in the womb

This week, you’ll notice your baby is much busier because her tiny body has enough room to move around in your belly. Your baby may respond to your voice by rubbing her belly.

Week 25

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your baby’s first bowel movement is in the large intestine, and that’s what you usually call meconium.

Week 26

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The fetus begins to establish separate sleep and wake times. Sometimes you’ll see your baby kicking “hard” and other times sleeping quietly.

Week 27

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Baby starts hiccuping every few weeks but won’t make a sound. At this stage, you can feel your baby’s malfunctions – symptoms triggered by your body.

Week 28

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your baby’s eyelids have been completed and are beginning to open and close. Furthermore, your baby’s pupils are also full of pigment. However, you still can’t know for sure the color of your baby’s eyes because the color of your baby’s eyes can change until the baby is 6 months or 1 year old.

Week 29

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The fetus will be heavier every minute. This week, your baby can kick and roll more, stronger. So don’t be surprised when your baby kicks hard. Around this time, part of your baby’s brain and intelligence are also developing more complex.

Week 30

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The baby’s body weight increases and almost fills the baby’s chubby cheeks. Now all of your baby’s body systems are fixed and functional. The built up adipose tissue will also help regulate your baby’s body temperature after birth and provide the energy he needs.

Week 31

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The weight of the fetus grows more than the height at 31 weeks because the baby’s body is more difficult to stretch because it has to lie curled in the mother’s womb until birth.

Week 32

The process of growing a baby in the womb

At this stage, you can already give birth to a healthy, developing baby. Apart from the lungs, all the other vital organs are fully functional.

Week 33

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your baby doesn’t have much room to move his elbows this week, and he’ll often poke his elbows into your ribs.

Week 34

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your little angel prepares to be born and when it does, the white greasy layer gradually thickens.

Week 35

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The fetus turns its head towards the uterus and vagina, but about 3% will not, leading to breech births. If so, you should decide to have a caesarean section to keep both your baby and you safe.

Week 36

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The fetus is working hard to accumulate all the fat it can at this point, and the layer of fat is now helping to round out the baby’s eyes. The muscles are also mature and ready for breastfeeding. You know, your baby will be hungry right after birth.

Week 37

The process of growing a baby in the womb

The umbilical cord begins to transfer antibodies to your baby in preparation for birth. By stocking up on antibodies, your baby will be better prepared to fight off illnesses outside of the womb. This week your baby can hear and recognize your voice.

Week 38

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your baby enjoys the last few weeks of your womb. Therefore, even if your baby is born this week, his brain is fully developed.

Week 39

The process of growing a baby in the womb

Your baby’s weight is almost at birth now, and your baby has accumulated enough fat to keep him warm when he’s out of the womb. In addition, your placenta continues to provide nutrients and antibodies that help your baby fight off illness.

Week 40

The development of the fetus

When your baby is born, your baby’s health will be assessed and graded according to factors: muscle movement, heart rate, grimace response (medically called “reflex stimulation”), skin and breathing steam.

Week 41

Week 41

This week, you may meet your little angel for the first time and don’t be upset if he is not what you imagined. Your baby will still be born with fetal slime, but you don’t need to worry because this layer will be washed off when you bathe your baby.

At 41 weeks pregnant, chances are, your lovely baby still hasn’t left the warm “home” in your belly at 41 weeks. But you shouldn’t worry about this and your baby’s weight is still there. May continue to increase this week.

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