Kids get matching haircuts thinking that their teacher won’t be able to tell them apart


These 5-Year-Old Best Friends Got The Same Haircut To “Confuse” Their Teacher

Five-year-old Jax Rosebush and his best friend Reddy wanted to play the best prank, so they decided to get the same haircut in hopes that their teacher wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. The world has never needed innocence and open-mindedness like this more desperately than now.

In a Facebook post by Lydia Stith Rosebush, Jax’s mom, she described their diabolical little plot and included a dapper photo of the little kids. “The only difference Jax sees in the two of them is their hair,” she wrote of the uncanny look-alikes. Their story is going viral, and Jax and Reddy have received an outpouring of support – as well as the overwhelming opinion that they’re going to have one very confused teacher on their hands.

We can all learn a valuable lesson on friendship and acceptance from these fine young gentlemen. Let’s hope their bond continues to transcend colors and labels.

Jax Rosebush and his friend Reddy have gone viral after Jax’s mom shared their heartwarming story on Facebook

The post has been liked over 137k times, and shared over by over 75k people, a number sure to keep growing

We can all learn a valuable lesson on friendship and acceptance from these 5-year-old buds

The Internet was a good sport and went along with the joke…

But the boys also received an outpouring of support from parents and others alike

Their innocence must be protected at all costs and spread across the world

This is Jax Rosebush and Reddy Weldon. Aren’t they identical? They sure think so.

They’re in the same class. They both love to play. And they both have a lot of energy.

So, according to a post on Facebook, when Lydia Rosebush told her son, Jax, last weekend that he needed to get a haircut, he had a fun idea. He’d shave his hair short to look like his friend, Reddy.

“He said he couldn’t wait to go to school on Monday with his hair like Reddy’s so that his teacher wouldn’t be able to tell them apart,” his mom writes.

Just one thing: Jax is white; Reddy is black.

Turns out, that didn’t matter.

When the buddies, ages 4 and 5, from Louisville, Kentucky, showed up to class Monday with matching haircuts, their teacher played along, pretending to confuse the two. Soon, other classmates were swapping places with each other, Lydia Rosebush told CNN affiliate WAVE.

Jax and Reddy’s classmates aren’t the only ones getting on board with the boys’ friendship. Lydia Rosebush’s post of her son and his best friend has been shared more than 79,000 times.

“It’s total insanity!” she told the station. “I just made the post because my kid is hilarious and cute. I never anticipated this. It just struck me as funny that Jax doesn’t even notice that Reddy is a different color. When he describes Reddy, he never mentions it. I thought with all the hate in the world today, we could use this lesson from an almost-5-year-old.”

Reddy and his older brother, Enock, were adopted from Africa when they were 2 and 4 years old by Kevin and Debbie Weldon, who are white. They say family isn’t limited by race and nationality.

“It’s really cool to see that move on from our family right into his relationships with his friends,” Kevin Weldon said. “There’s an innocence children have that sometimes we lose. If we could get some of that back, I think it would be amazing.”

As for the boys, neither seems to think he’s making a statement about overcoming racial differences. They’re just a couple of friends.
