Joy as couple welcomes twins after 10 years of waiting (Photos)

Lady has taken to social media sharing her testimony as she welcomes twins after 7 years of waiting. This is God of impossibilities at work, the eleventh hour God, The Overdo God!

Women indeed go through a lot during childbearing, it is never easy for every Woman, starting from the conceptual stage to the gestation period, women go through a lot, most times you hear medical cases like ectopic pregnancy, uterine rupture, fibroid, miscarriages etc



Making it through the conceptual stage, gestation period and finally welcome’s your child is a great miracle that can’t be taken for granted.


The latest mom while sharing her testimony on social media, in her words she wrote:

My Miracles Twins has Arrived my Miracle Testimony (God of Genesis 30:22)

After 7years of Marriage, God shut mouths of those asking:

U never born?

E don Enter?

People calling you on phone just to ask, what is happening? Comparing u with those u got married with same year, they have 2 or 3 kids already?

Is being long ur hubby visited, what is keeping him over there?

How do u sleep at night alone?

Are u sure u are still married to him?

While I was praying, fasting and believing on God to change my story some day. I have taken different kinds of Herbal Medications, Visiting several Hospitals for solution, taking diff types of English Fertility Treatments but no result, not even one positive pregnancy let alone miscarriaging it, all these years. 

When I thought all hope was lost, God visited (God of Ecclesiastes 3:11). After series of tests, I was told, I had fibroid which was blocking my womb and has to be removed first, before they will know if there will be any chance of me getting pregnant at all.

I couldn’t bear it, I had to report the case to God and because the case was bigger than me but not my bigger than God, I kept praying, believing on God to do something, cried, couldn’t sleep, wondering where the fibroid came from? asking God why?

I was booked for a date for the operation of the fibroid, I filled the form and signed it. But at a point I told my husband am not operating the fibroid again that am scared, that God will bless me with a child like that, fibroid or no fibroid, that am going back to hospital to cancel the appointment. 

That week am supposed to go for the operation was same week i found out I was pregnant, God of Jeremiah 32: 27, We were surprised, we did 3 pregnancy tests just to be sure, dancing and celebrating the marvellous work of God” Miracle of God”. After some weeks, we went for check up, that was when the doctor told us, they were two babies in my womb.What???

A womb with fibroid carried two babies!! When we were asking God to bless us even if is only one child but He doubled the Miracle for us, What a Mighty God. Father Lord u beat us beyond our imaginations,that was how i over came 1st trimester, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester of pregnancy with two babies and fibroid, no complications, the journey of 9months was a success. 

I can’t thank u enough God.

Am a living testimony, There Is God and He is still doing Miracles, all u need, is to ask from Him and He will answer u, Patience is the key,

I thank my Lovely Husband who stood by me, my Pastor and all Family members for their prayers and support, to those who were mocking me come and see the Miracles of God in my life. Miracles that we didn’t buy with money, God proved Himself.


Congratulations to you mommy, and to all the awaiting mom’s get ready to carry your child.


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