Incredible Moment Newborn Twins Holding Hands Right After Birth

There’s no doubt that twins share a special bond that others can’t quite understand. Twins are often said to be able to “speak their own language” and even communicate without using words at all. If you ever had any doubts about this connection, the photos of newborn twins holding hands shortly after birth might change your mind.

Just hours old, they clasp their hands together and entwine their tiny fingers.

In the Instagram post, Celi recounts the hours leading up to her twins’ C-section alongside a video of the just-born babies lying on the new mom’s chest. Almost instantly, one of the girls reaches her hand out toward her sister. Immediately, the other responds by squeezing her fingers, and then they continue clasping each other’s hand as they take in life outside their shared womb.

The photos, which has been making its rounds on the internet, was uploaded by Celi, a soon-to-be army officer who graduated with a bachelor’s in nutrition while pregnant with the twins..

Ceci thinks there might be something even deeper to her babies’ first embrace. Baby A, who’s lying on her mother’s left side, was born first and was the stronger twin who passed all her preliminary screenings. But Baby B, on her right side, barely passed some tests. “I thought that maybe, Baby A knew her sister needed strength.”

Twins have such a special connection it’s no surprise these two were so eager to reach out to each other.

If you believe this is a regular occurrence with twin births, you’re mistaken. All of the physicians and nurses in the room are speechless as they witness the sisters reach for one other and clasp each other’s hands. “Oh look at them hold hands,” one of the medical team says. “Oh my gosh, that’s so precious,” another woman can be heard saying. Voices around the room can be heard saying, “Oh my God that’s going to make me cry,” and “that’s amazing!” “I’ve never seen them do that before, that’s amazing!”

Insanely cute, that’s how.

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