Heartbreaking : The scene of giving birth in a deprived medical facility in Africa.f

When social documentary photographer Paolo Patruno lived in Malawi for six months, a midwife told him about maternal health problems in Africa. Here, Patruno has the opportunity to visit public and private hospitals in rural areas, participate in training classes for midwives and nurses. He even visits pregnant women and mothers in the villages.

And from there, the series “Birthe is a Dream” was born, inspired by the combined experiences, raising awareness of the photographer about maternal health issues in Africa. Since 2011, Patruno has documented the situation in sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where 200,000 mothers die from complications during pregnancy and childbirth each year. .

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In the heart of Africa, nestled within a remote and deprived region, a heartbreaking scene unfolded within a dilapidated medical facility. The air was heavy with despair and the stench of desperation as a young woman fought against the excruciating pain of childbirth, surrounded by crumbling walls and outdated equipment.

The facility, a mere shell of what a medical institution should be, lacked even the most basic necessities. Torn curtains barely provided a semblance of privacy, and the dim flickering light struggled to illuminate the gloomy room. The woman’s cries echoed through the corridors, a haunting reminder of the dire circumstances they all faced.

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Newborn baby is breastfed by mother with first drops of milk

Through her series of photos, Patruno takes readers inside poor and deprived maternity wards, health centers and clinics. To approach and capture this realistic set of photos, the photographer took a long process. In particular, a male photographer who wants to capture the most private moments in a woman’s life can be considered a challenging job.

In each encounter with a new character, Patruno must always pay close attention to their personal issues, respect their dignity and make a connection. To capture these intimate photos, he spent days infiltrating the maternity wards, talking to pregnant women, mothers, midwives and nurses.

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With no trained medical professionals available, the burden fell upon a weary nurse, who, armed with limited knowledge and experience, did her best to assist. There was no sterile environment, no pain relief, and no guarantees of a successful delivery. The mother’s vulnerability was laid bare, and her unborn child’s fate hung precariously in the balance.A pregnant woman on the delivery table prepares to give birth in a rundown medical facility.
A pregnant woman is waiting to give birth.

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As the agonizing hours passed, the woman’s strength waned, and her face became etched with both pain and fear. Her cries were met with a mixture of desperation and helplessness from those who surrounded her, knowing that they were ill-equipped to provide the care she so desperately needed.

Finally, in a heartbreaking climax, the woman gave birth to a fragile life amidst the chaos. The baby, born into a world of poverty and despair, entered with a fragile cry, as if to reflect the weight of the circumstances it was born into. The nurse did what she could, wrapping the baby in a worn blanket and placing it in the mother’s arms, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.

The midwife happily holds the newborn baby right at her home. There were only a few simple items around that she used to help pregnant women give birth.

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In this deprived medical facility, the scene of giving birth was a harsh reminder of the vast disparities that exist in our world. It exposed the harsh realities faced by countless women in impoverished regions, where access to proper healthcare remains a distant dream. The lack of resources, proper medical personnel, and sanitary conditions left these mothers and their newborns vulnerable to a myriad of risks and complications.

This heartbreaking scene serves as a call to action, a plea to address the systemic inequalities that perpetuate such suffering. It reminds us of the urgent need for accessible and quality healthcare for all, regardless of geographic location or socioeconomic status. Every mother and every child deserves a safe and dignified start in life, free from the shadows of deprivation.

The baby was wrapped in the mother’s sling, fast asleep.

Starting from a personal project, this feat of photography quickly attracted the attention of international NGOs such as Save The Children. Patruno is currently planning to continue to Africa as she feels that the issue of maternity health here is a complex topic and needs to explore more stories around it.

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The first baby to cry was born

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These images reflect the lack of maternal health care in sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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A young mother is still in pain after giving birth.

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Cận cảnh sinh con trong các cơ sở y tế thiếu thốn ở châu Phi

Cận cảnh sinh con trong các cơ sở y tế thiếu thốn ở châu Phi

In rural Africa, many women die from complications during pregnancy or childbirth.

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The midwife is helping a woman give birth at home.

As we reflect upon this scene, may it ignite a flame of compassion within us, compelling us to advocate for change, support organizations working to improve healthcare infrastructure, and contribute in whatever capacity we can to ensure that no woman or child has to endure such heart-wrenching circumstances again. Together, we can strive for a world where every birth is met with hope, joy, and the promise of a brighter future.

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