Don’t Let Me Cry Mom

“Don’t let me cry mom. My lungs won’t get bigger, I won’t get stronger, I won’t get wiser.

Don’t let me cry mom. Don’t listen to those comments, your kisses won’t spoil me, your chest won’t make me dependent, I don’t do it to annoy you.

Don’t let them cry mom, love them, take care of them, talk to them, sing them beautiful songs…. later you will want to and you won’t be able to.

Don’t let me cry mom. I can only trust you, I only know your voice, your smell, I only think of you since I came out of your womb.

Don’t let me cry mom. Don’t teach me to comfort myself, I don’t need it, because I know I can always count on you.

Don’t listen to them. Don’t spoil me by attending to my sobbing. I don’t seek comfort in the middle of the night to annoy you; I seek you out because I need you, because I don’t comprehend this world, and because I’m still learning to love.

Don’t teach me as a child to cry, to suffer, to feel loneliness.

You are a good mom, do not change, just give her love and teach her about the word of God, she will thank you for it, take care of yourselves.

I will learn it, I promise you. One day I will really suffer and my crying will not be for you to take me in your arms or for you to breastfeed me, one day my crying will be as an adult and you will not be able to comfort him.

That day, I want to remember simpler days. Days when my parents used to kiss me and only with that, I stopped crying. These days don’t come back and if i never had one, I won’t have anything to remember. Don’t let me cry mom.

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