Defying the Odds with a Smile: The Little Girl’s Brave Battle Against Progeria !n1

The reader is moved to tears by the story of a 1.2kg baby’s short life. The journey from conception to the last moments of the little angel was chronicled by Mother Eline on her Instagram status line.
Eline Leonie despite being so tiny, she sets an example to the whole world of strength and love for life. Eline Leonie was born on November 14, 2019, weighed 1200 grams and measured 38cm. Eline was diagnosed with neonatal progeria when she was born.

Progeria is an incredibly rare and debilitating genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly. It’s a condition that affects only a handful of people around the world, and for those who have it, life can be a constant struggle. It is also known as ‘hutchinson-gilford syndrome’ and usually occurs after the age of 2 years. However, Eline’s neonatal progeria appeared in her life immediately.

Mother Eline wrote on the instagram status line the journey from pregnancy to the last moments of the little angel. Makes the reader extremely sorry.
She wrote :” From the 20th week of pregnancy, it is clear that Eline is not like ‘normal’ babies. The belly is much smaller than usual, and the heart is too big. She went to an ultrasound. The doctor suggested an amniocentesis should be tested but I declined the offer.
During my pregnancy, I was hospitalized at 28 weeks. Eline showed no signs of growth. During an examination ultrasound, Eline’s heart stopped for a few seconds and then continued to beat fast again, I was extremely worried and insecure. And right after this event, the doctor ordered an emergency Eline caesarean section.
Eline was born at 16:26 on November 14 weighing 1200 grams and measured 38cm. ELine Leonie-Her mother gave her the name Eline Leonie because she believes, hopes, and wishes for her baby to still fight for her life, as well as her mother’s prayer and safety for her little daughter.
Eline is severely debilitated, can not develop, problems the heart muscle, and digestive problems. Even after many investigations, doctors was not know why Eline had such a rare genetic defect. All the genetic tests done by me, like her father, can not explain why such a rare disease could develop in my baby.”
The average life expectancy for children with progeria is about 13 years. Some may finish younger and others may live longer, even into their 20s. Eline can not breastfeed on its own like ᴏther children, it is extremely difficult to eat and drink to maintain its life. Most of the food Eline gets from birth comes through a tube.
During the hospital stay ‘I promise you, my dear Eline, that there is a better world outside the hospital .’ Mother Eline said to Eline. And finally that promise came true.
After 100 days in the hospital , the mother and daughter were finally discharged on February 21, 2020. Mom Eline was very excited, happy, happy, A feeling of indescribable happiness, mixed joy, little insecurity.

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