Baby That ‘Looks Older Than Her’ Due To Rare Ageing Disorder

Baby That ‘Looks Older Than Her’ Due To Rare Ageing Disorder

Each parent give birth children allways want their children are beautiful, smart and healthy. But unfortunately, the unnamed 20-year-old South African woman gave birth to a girl with the rare condition progeria, also called Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, which causes baby to age faster than usual. A young woman has hit the headlines for giving birth to a baby who looks older than she does and is said to resemble “an old woman”after afew months her was born.

Media in South Africa reported on 30th August,2021 that the young woman 20 years old gave birth her baby at her home in the small and poor town of Libode in the province of Eastern Cape. She gave birth at home after her grandmother phoned for an ambulance  when she went into labour, but it failed to arrive in time. She gave birth before she was  received to hospital.

After the baby girl was born with  wrinkled  skin, and dark color . She and her mother were taken to hospital.

Her grandmother said “Doctors told to us that she’s di-sabled. I noticed during her birth that there was something strange with her. She could not cry and she couldn’t breath throught nose.  We were stunned and shoked because that was strange to them, we never have seen. Now I hear that people are calling her names. That  nervous  a lot.”

After snaps in her mother arms of the newborn baby were posted online, some netizens commented that she looked like “an old woman”, or even “an ape”.

The Mayo clinic states that progeria “is an extremely rare, progressive genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly, starting in their first two years of life.” Doctors say that a mutation in a gene causes progeria and, in turn, causes accelerated ageing. There are usually no symptoms when a baby is born, but they start to show signs of the ᴅɪsᴇᴀsᴇ during their first year. However in some cases, like this one, there are some signs from birth.


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